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Milk Processing Equipment for Small Scale Dairy Industries


Best quality milk can be turned into numerous other milk products. It is a significant opportunity for small-scale dairy businesses to increase their business success. Renowned Plate Heat Exchanger Manufacturers have a big role in the success of dairy businesses. Small-scale businesses are capable of catering to the wider needs of their dairy customers with exceptional and personalized temperature control of heat exchangers. If you are confused about the ideal dairy equipment, then you must read a guide to choosing the perfect dairy equipment according to your dairy business needs. 

In this following blog, we will talk about every aspect related to small-scale dairy farms.

Small Scale Milk Processing 

You can get multiple dairy products through milk processing: 

> Butter

> Yogurt

> Ice Cream

> Buttermilk 

> Fluid Milk

> Cheese

> Pasteurized Milk 

> Cream

Connect with Nk Dairy Equipments, a renowned dairy equipment manufacturer that offers multiple pieces of equipment to fulfil your dairy manufacturing needs. 

Selling raw milk is mostly forbidden in many countries. To make milk pasteurized correctly, it is heated in special dairy equipment to make it ready to sell on the market. Plate heat exchangers can be a game changer for people who want to increase their dairy business profits without compromising the quality of milk pasteurization. 

Utilizing unpasteurized milk can create multiple adverse effects on people. Therefore, the government made it mandatory for dairy plants to be pasteurized. 

The actual processing that will turn milk into other products such as khoya and other dairy products includes some kind of churning or fermentation. There are many pros and few cons that might shock you related to khoya making machines. 

Fat Concentration in Milk:

Also one should need to make low or skin fat milk if the consumer is unable to digest whole milk. Whole milk has 3.25% of milk fat, low fat has from 0.5% to 2.0 % of fat. Skim milk contains less than 0.5% of milk fat. 

List of Few Milk Processing Equipments for Small Scale Dairy Farms:

> Milk Tank : 

Milk tanks, interim tanks, are the containers that are used to store liquid milk to keep it fresh for a long time. It is available in various sizes to meet your dairy business needs. If you want to buy some quality milk storage tanks, then connect with NK Dairy Equipments, the best dairy equipment manufacturer, for a variety of milk tanks. 

> Pasteurization: 

Pasteurization is considered the core of the milk production. Pasteurizers are the machines which simplify the step of milk processing for you. A modern milk pasteurization will heat the milk and set it at a certain temperature. With a stirring process to make it cool down. For further processes such as ghee making and other dairy products. 

> Cream Separators : 

These machines are utilized for making low-fat and skim milk & Cream. It separates fat from milk. You will get two products on time: Cream and milk. Which is low in fat. For variable fat percentage you can change settings in your cream separators. 



There are multiple other equipment, including ice cream makers, homogenizers, cheese presses, and more, that are included in dairy businesses. The dairy business is a very wide business, capturing an exposure of growth for every person. If you have an interest in the dairy business, then ask the experts of NK Dairy Equipments, dairy equipment, & Plate Heat Exchanger Manufacturers. We know everything about dairy businesses. Connect with us today for proper guidance and the best-rate for dairy equipment. 

diary equipments - Diary information Hindi

भैंस का दूध निकालने वाली मशीन की प्रक्रिया किस प्रकार होती है ?


एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से यह बताया गया की भैंस का दूध निकालने वाली मशीन एक आधुनिक मशीन है, जिसके माध्यम से बिना थानों को नुक़सान पहुंचाए, भैंसो से जल्दी और कुशलतापूवर्क दूध निकालने की प्रक्रिया को किया जाता है | यह तब ही मुकीम है जब इस मशीन को ठीक से स्थापित किया जाए, बेहतरीन संचालनों की स्थितियों में रखा जाए और सटीक तरीकों से उपयोग किया जाए | यह मशीन दो आधरभूतों में कार्य करती है :- 

  • यह मशीन आंशिक निर्वात के माध्यम से स्ट्रीक कैनाल को खोल देती है, जिससे यह दूध को एक लाइन के द्वारा थानों से कंटेनर तक पहुंचाने का काम करती है | 
  • यह मशीन लगातार थानों की मालिश करती है, जिससे थानों में रक्त और लसीका जमा नहीं होते | 


भैंस के थन और थन मवेशियां से बिलकुल अलग होती है, इसलिए भैंस से दूध निकालने के लिए, इस मशीन को भैंसो के हिसाब से बदलना पड़ता है | हालाँकि कई बार भरी क्लस्टर, उच्च संचालन वैक्यूम और तेज़ थरथराहट की आवश्यकता भी पड़ सकती है | एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट भैंस दूध निकालने वाली मशीन के सवर्श्रेष्ठ निर्माताओं में से एक है, जो आपको कम लागत में मशीन की उपलब्धि करवा सकती है | यदि आप भी ऐसे ही मशीन की खोज कर रहे है तो इसके लिए आप एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट से परामर्श कर सकते है | यह संस्था डेयरी फार्मिंग से जुड़े हर तरह के उपकरण का निर्माण करती है और साथ ही यह आपको सही मार्गदर्शन भी प्रदान कर सकती है |      


इसलिए आज ही एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट नामक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और दिए गए नंबरों से संपर्क करें | इससे जुड़ी अधिक  जानकारी के लिए दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें और इस वीडियो को पूरा देखें | इसके अलावा आप एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी विजिट कर सकते है | यहाँ से आपको इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो प्राप्त हो   जाएगी |

diary equipments - Diary information Hindi

अब इन 2 खास मशीनों की मदद से हो सकती है डेयरी के व्यवसाय से शानदार कमाई


अगर आप अपने डेयरी फार्म में थोड़े से लेटेस्ट टेक्नोलॉजी का इस्तेमाल करे तो आप आसानी से कम समय में अच्छी कमाई  कर सकते है | ऐसे बहुत से लोग होते है जो डेयरी का बिज़नेस शुरू करना चाहते है, कुछ लोगों ने तो शुरू भी कर लिया होता है | उनमे से कुछ लोग होते है जो अकसर दूध को बाहर से खरीद कर बेचैन शुरू कर देते है, जिससे उन्हें कुछ खास मुनाफा प्राप्त नहीं होता | आजकल मार्किट में ऐसे लेटेस्ट टेक्नोलॉजी ने कदम रखा है, जिसके इस्तेमाल आपकी डेयरी फार्मिंग भी अच्छी हो जाएगी और कम समय में शानदार कमाई भी होने लग जाएगी | 


दरअसल लोग अब किसी भी सामान को खरीदने से पहले उसकी कीमत के बजाये उसकी क्वालिटी पर ज़्यादा ध्यान देते है |  ऐसे में आपको क्वालिटी के आधार पर कमाई करने का काफी अच्छा अवसर मिल सकता है | जिन लोगों के पास गाये-भैंसे नहीं होती है, वह अक्सर गावों में से किसानो या फिर पशुपालकों से दूध को खरीदकर आम लोगों को बेचते है | ऐसे में आप लेटेस्ट टेक्नोलॉजी के इस्तेमाल से एक बिज़नेस को शुरू कर सकते है, जिसमे आप किसी भी गांव से दूध को खरीद कर किसी भी जगह बेच सकते है | इसके  लिए आपको दो ऐसे मशीनों की आवश्यकता होगी, जिससे आप अपने काम को शुरू कर सकते है | आइये जानते है ऐसे मशीनों के बारे में और क्या है इसके फायदे :- 


  1. मिल्क स्टीरर मशीन :- इस मशीन को कई लोग वाइब्रेटर भी कहते है | यह मशीन का इस्तेमाल दूध के सैंपल के तापमान को मेंटेन करने के लिए किया जाता है | अगर दूध का तापमान ठंडा या गर्म है तो उससे भी यह मशीन सही तापमान में परिवर्तित कर देता है | 


  1. फैट टेस्टिंग मशीन :- इस मशीन का इस्तेमाल दूध में फैट की टेस्टिंग के लिए की जाती है, और साथ ही मशीन से यह भी पता चल जाता है कि दूध में किसी तरह का मिलावट है या नहीं | यह मशीन उन लोगों के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद है जो डेयरी का बिज़नेस कर रहे है | 


इस मशीन इस्तेमाल दूध को खरीदने और बेचने दोनों समय में किया जा सकता है | दरअसल आप जब दूध को किसी भी गांव या फिर पशुपालन से खरीदते हो तो आप इस मशीन के ज़रिये दूध का फैट टेस्ट करके उस हिसाब से रेट लगा सकते  हो | जिन लोगों के पास यह मशीन नहीं होती वह लोग अक्सर धोखा का जाते है और पशुपालकों से मिलावट को खरीद लेते है, जिससे उन्हें खास प्रॉफिट भी नहीं मिलता, ऊपर से अलग से नुक्सान भी हो जाता है | ऐसे में आप मशीन की सहायता से अच्छे क्वालिटी का दूध खरीद पाओगे और बेच पाओगे | जिससे आपके ग्राहक की संख्या तो बढ़ेगी और साथ ही शानदार कमाई भी होगी | 


इस संबंधी कोई भी जानकारी के लिए आप एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट से चयन कर सकते है | यहाँ पर डेयरी से जुड़ी हर तरह के उपकरण मौजूद है |   

diary equipments - Diary information

क्या है मिल्किंग मशीन और इसका उपयोग कैसे करते है ?


शुरुआती समय से गांवों में गाय, भैंस जैसे दुधारू पशुओं का पालन किया जा रहा है जो आज भी बहुत सारे गांव में नज़र आता है। दुधारू पशुओं में से दूध बड़ी प्यार से हाथों से निकाला जाता है जो ज़ोरदार भी होता है। इन पशुओं की खुराक का खास ध्यान रखा जाता है ता कि इनमें बनता दूध जनता के लिए स्वस्थ और पौष्टिक हो। कुछ सालों पहले क्षेत्रों में उन्नति के कारण मिल्किंग मशीन विकसित की गई जिस के प्रयोग से गाय के चूचुक से दूध पाइप द्वारा दबाव डालकर निकाला जाता है। आइए इस मशीन के बारे में और जानते है।  


क्या है मिल्किंग मशीन (Milking Machine)

मिल्किंग मशीन या दूध निकालने की मशीन एक उपकरण है जिसे जानवरों, विशेष रूप से गाय, बकरी या भेड़ से हाथ से दूध निकालने की तुलना में अथिक कुशल और स्वचलित तरीके से दूध निकालने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। दूध देने की प्रक्रिया को सुव्यवस्थित करने और उत्पादकता बढ़ाने के लिए आधुनिक डेयरी फार्मों में इन मशीनों का व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है।स्कूल शिक्षक-किसान, राघव गौड़ा को मशीनीकृत दूध देने का एक वैकल्पिक साधन विकसित करने के बारे में बहुत सोच-विचार करने के लिए प्रेरित किया, जो सभी किसानों के लिए किफायती होगा।


कितने प्रकार की होती है ये मिल्किंग मशीन

बाजार में दो प्रकार की मिल्किंग मशीन दो प्रकार आती हैं। इसमें एक छोटी मशीन होती है और दूसरी बड़़ी। पशुपालक अपनी आवश्यकता के अनुसार इसे खरीद सकता है। ये मशीनें इस प्रकार से हैं-

  1. सिंगल बकेट मिल्किंग मशीन

एक बाल्टी दूध देने की मशीन एक बुनियादी और कॉम्पैक्ट दूध देने की प्रणाली है जिसे छोटे डेयरी संचालन, शौक फार्मों या उन स्थितियों के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है जहां एक समय में केवल कुछ जानवरों को दूध देने की आवश्यकता होती है।

  1. डबल बकेट मिल्किंग मशीन

डबल बाल्टी दूध देने वाली मशीन सिंगल बाल्टी दूध देने वाली मशीन का उन्नत संस्करण है और इसे एक साथ कई जानवरों को दूध देने की दक्षता बढ़ाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। इस प्रकार की दूध देने वाली मशीन मध्यम आकार के डेयरी फार्मों या उन स्थितियों के लिए उपयुक्त है जहां एक ही बार में बड़ी संख्या में जानवरों का दूध निकालने की आवश्यकता होती है। 

मिल्किंग मशीन की खासियत 

मिल्किंग मशीन आधुनिक डेयरी फार्मिंग में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है, जो किसानों और समग्र डेयरी उद्योग दोनों के लिए विभिन्न लाभ और महत्व प्रदान करता है। 

  • दक्षता और समय की बचत
  • लगातार दूध देने की दिनचर्या
  • दूध की पैदावार में वृद्धि
  • स्वच्छता और दूध की गुणवत्ता में सुधार
  • किसानों पर शारीरिक तनाव कम करें
  • सटीक निगरानी और डेटा संग्रह
  • झुण्ड के आकार के प्रति अनुकूलनशीलता
  • जब हम प्रतिदिन पशुओं का दूध मशीन के द्वारा निकालते है तो यह प्रक्रिया पशुओं में होने वाले तनाव को कम करती है। जिससे पशुओं के स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होता है और दूध उत्पादन में भी वृद्धि होती है।

मिल्किंग मशीन से कैसे निकाला जाता है गाय व भैंस का दूध

मिल्किंग मशीन कृत्रिम तरीके से गाय, भैंसों दूध निकालने की एक मशीन है। जब किसी दुधारू पशु का दूध निकाला जाता है तब इस मशीन को उस पशु की बालियों यानी अयन में लगा दिए जाता है। इससे जानवर   को बिना दर्द पहुंचाएं आसानी से दूध निकाला जा सकता है। इस मशीन की सहायता से कुछ ही मिनटों में पशु का दूध निकाला जा सकता है। 


क्या है मिल्किंग मशीन से दूध निकालने का सही तरीका

यहाँ इस बात का ध्यान रखे की मशीन को बलियो में लगाने से पहले गाय के बलियो या अयन को अच्छी तरह से स्वच्छ पानी से धो लेना ताकि कोई संक्रमण नहीं हो। मशीन को एक रफ्तार पर रखे ताकि पाइप में से दूध आराम से आई। दूध निकालने के बाद गाय पशु के अयन पर लाल दवा लगा देनी चाहिए ताकि मशीन से उसे कोई एलर्जी ना हो।


मिल्किंग मशीन के इस्तेमाल में ध्यान रखने वाली खास बातें

  • दुधारू पशु के ब्याने के बाद से ही इस मिल्किंग मशीन का उपयोग करना शुरू कर देना चाहिए ताकि पशु को मशीन की आदत पड़ जाए। 
  • गौशाला को हमेशा साफ सुथरा रखना चाहिए। विशेषकर दूध धोते समय विशेष सफाई का ध्यान रखना चाहिए।    
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India Takes the Lead in Milk Production and Dairy Equipment Manufacturing


India has for quite some time been known as the world’s biggest milk producer, representing more than 20% of worldwide production. What many individuals don’t realize, is that India is likewise a central part of the dairy equipment manufacturing industry. With a developing demand for dairy items both locally and globally, the dairy equipment manufacturing sector in India is flourishing.

India’s Dairy Equipment Manufacturing Success

There are various dairy equipment manufacturers in India that are leading the way in the business. From milking machines to butter churns to cheese presses, these organizations are delivering excellent equipment that is both proficient and powerful.

One such company is NK Dairy Equipment, which is situated in Punjab and has been in operation for over twenty years. The organization is expertized in the production of an extensive variety of dairy equipment, including milk processing plants, ghee plants, khoya machines, and more. Their equipment is intended to be durable and enduring, ensuring that dairy farmers and processors can depend on it into the indefinite future.

Future of Khoya Production:

Khoya, also called mawa, is a dairy item that is used broadly in Indian food. It is made by stewing milk for a few hours until it thickens and decreases in volume. Traditionally, khoya was made manually, which was time-consuming and laborious. However, with the approach of the khoya machine, the process has become a lot simpler and more proficient.

NK Dairy Equipment is one of the leading manufacturers of khoya machines in India. Their machines are intended to create top-notch khoya rapidly and effectively, while also being easy to operate and keep up with. This has assisted with smoothing out the khoya production process, making it more accessible for dairy farmers and processors.

Innovations in Ghee Plants Technology:

Ghee, a sort of clarified butter, is another significant dairy item in India. It is used in various dishes and is also a significant part of various Ayurvedic medicines. Like khoya, ghee was traditionally made by hand. However, with the invention of the ghee plant, the cycle has become considerably more proficient.

NK Dairy Equipment is also a leading producer of ghee plants in India. Their plants are intended to create great ghee rapidly and productively. This has assisted with expanding the production of ghee in India, making it more accessible for shoppers both locally and globally.


India’s dairy industry is a significant contributor to the nation’s economy, and the dairy equipment manufacturing sector is an essential part of that industry. With a developing demand for dairy items, there is a requirement for high-quality equipment that can productively process milk and other dairy items.

Companies like NK Dairy Equipment are leading the manner in which the dairy equipment manufacturing industry in India, creating top-notch equipment like khoya machines and ghee plants that are assisting with smoothing out the production cycle. By doing so, they are assisting with supporting the development of the dairy business in India and ensuring that customers have an approach to high-quality dairy products.

Dairy Plants diary equipments - Diary information Manufacturing Machine

Enhance Your Dairy Farming Business With NK Dairy Equipment


Are you considering enhancing your dairy farming business and taking it to the next level?

Well, you are at the right place! It is necessary to have trusted Dairy Equipment Manufacturers in India that will help you maximize the production of any milk product.

Why Is It Important to Get Hold Of The Best Manufacturing Machine?

There are various reasons that would help you understand the need to install top-notch machines in your dairy farming business.

  • It helps you maximize the production level.

The only possible way to improve the profit is to supply the number of products that are quite in demand. And to make that possible, you will have to purchase a machine that efficiently produces milk products in bulk without any difficulty. Hence, you must invest well and opt for the latest technology that will only benefit you in the long run.

  • It is convenient and easy to work with.

With the latest technology, such as Khoya Making Machine, you would not have to worry about teaching all your staff members how to use it. It is quite automatic and easy to get a grasp on this function. Hence the operation is effortless and risk-free. You would not want to get hold of those machines that are extensive.

Where Can You Get The Best Dairy Equipment?

NK Dairy Equipment is famous for providing the best machines to its clients at an affordable rate. There are various reasons why we are the best.

Why Choose Us?

There are various reasons why you should choose us. Let us get into the matter in detail.

  • We provide quality equipment.

Our main motive is to sell machines that will help you maximize your production level. We are a well-known manufacturing company that focuses on customer satisfaction. If you are interested in enhancing your business model, get in touch with us to get machines for your Ghee Plant. The material we use to make the equipment is of premium quality with modern technology attached.

  • We are a reputable company.

People trust us when they want to purchase a machine for a dairy plant business. You can read the reviews and learn more from our previous clients. Our team makes sure to provide the best service to the clients to make their experience exceptional. It is a significant investment; we would want the best for you!

  • Cost-effective machines

If you are looking for a machine or equipment that is effective and provides the best production supply at a reasonable rate, then you must visit us. We provide equipment that is cost-effective and worth each penny. It is durable and requires basic maintenance and cleaning once a week or a month for proper functioning.

  • Friendly and knowledgeable staff members

It is natural to have various questions and doubts when looking for a business model product. Do not worry; our team will help you gather all the right information about the products in detail for a wise purchase.

Final Comments

Contact NK Dairy Equipments or visit our websites to get more information about anything and everything.

dairy equipments diary equipments - Diary information

What Are The Steps For Cleaning Your Dairy Farming Equipment?


One of the essential parts of dairy production is undoubtedly the dairy process equipment cleaning. Why?

Well, we all know that dairy farmers collect milk through the cooperatives that come out through many channels and containers. This is the reason why it is highly susceptible to dirt contamination and bacteria.

You can say the same for the manufacturing and production processes as well. This is why the Dairy Equipment Manufacturers highly recommend you clean the dairy equipment regularly for better function and operation. Be wise and choose smart.

 What Are The Cleaning Objectives?

There are at least four degrees attached to the cleaning dairy machinery. The four degrees involved:

  • Chemical cleaning
  • Physical cleaning
  • Sterile cleaning
  • Bacteriological cleaning

If we look at it closely, we will notice that the cleaning methods intend to gain both bacteriological and chemical cleaning along with sterile and physical cleaning. This is why we subject the production equipment, such as the Khoya Plant, to chemical cleaning first, followed by other disinfection processes.

 What Are The Following Type Of Residue That You Need To Clean From The Dairy Equipment?

These are the following things that you should clean from the dairy equipment regularly in order to smoothen up its function.

  • Dirt

The dirt in the dairy equipment, such as the khoya making machine, is basically a milk product residue that generally settles down at the bottom of the machine. The residue also contains some sorts of bacteria in it.

  • Heated surfaces

It is a stone-like deposit that consists of phosphates, proteins, calcium, fat, and many other things. You can formulate it upon heating the milk at 60 degrees or above temperature. After eight hours, you would see that it generally turns from whitish color to a brownish color residue.

  • Cold surfaces

Your next immediate step should be emptying the system right after the cleaning. If you do not follow this trick, then you might notice a formation of white film at the base that will dry very fast, and then it will solidify itself. This will undoubtedly make it so much harder for you to remove. If you want to clean the surfaces physically, you will get a special kind of milking machine cleaning brushes.

What Is The Process Of Cleaning?

Step 1: Recovering product residue from the system

It is very important for you to remove the residue from the machines in order to minimize the loss of products. You must allow all the products to drain from the wall of pipes and tanks. In case the surface is coated with solid residue, then you must thoroughly scrap it out.

Step 2: Rinse with water.

The second step is to rinse the surface of the area with water to clean up the space. You should complete this task right after the production run. You can easily wash out the milk fat residue with warm water.

Step 3: Disinfecting

You should then adequately clean it with alkaline and acid solution. After this, the machines are physically, chemically, and bacterially cleaned. The process of disinfecting helps in enhancing the bacterial cleansing process.

Final Comments

Contact NK Dairy Equipments and book your dairy equipment to enhance your business.

dairy equipments dairy products diary equipments - Diary information

Which are the three most common milking robotic myths?


Milking Robotic Myths

When you wish to accelerate your dairy business, you can have different considerations on your mind. Most importantly, choosing the most advanced and well setup dairy machinery and equipment brings utmost ease. And with the updated technology and system, it has become all essential for the dairy business owner to go for milking robots. But, when something new comes into the market, people have several myths and doubts in their minds. And that’s where the role of the top-rated Dairy Equipment Manufacturers comes into play. Their assistance right from the start makes it easier to have proper management. And that’s why in this blog, we have mentioned all the necessary milking robotic myths to make you well-aware of every minute of information.

Busting the milking robotic myths

Myth 1: Robotic milking boils down to the automatic parlor

Choosing the perfect type of milking machinery lets you automate the entire process. With the most appropriate farm management system, you have the right insights to make better data-driven decisions. The milking robots make it extremely functional and well under control for the right management.

The invented systems make it easier to manage the dairy herd and give the dairy business much better reasons to have a higher return on investment. All in all, excellent results await you no matter the size of your dairy business. So, be it a khoya making machine, paneer-making machine, or any other inventive option, you should take advantage of automated functioning.

Myth 2: You cannot choose a box system for large farms

The rise in labor costs and various benefits has made it possible to boost cow health. The small and necessary steps are the key to better results and boosting herd health. Additionally, the herd will be less stressed and offer dairy farmers a desirable return on investment. Additionally, it’s also about making the practical experience much better for the larger farms to have more benefits. It’s about recognizing and managing every small factor with a different and better approach.

Myth 3: The robotic system is just for the happy few

The robotic systems are not just all functional and offer the best results. But these are also about the right transitioning that lets the system be right and better. So, it’s all about making an investment worth everything and allowing you a higher ROI.

Are you looking for dairy machinery?

NK Dairy Equipments offers you the most functional and automated dairy equipment, Additionally, it’s also being functional and choosing the options that stand apart in all possible regards.

If you want something specific or in terms that offer a much more functional state, then tell our team and get the necessary service accordingly. No matter what concern you have on your mind, feel free to discuss the same with our team.

dairy equipments Dairy Plants diary equipments - Diary information

What makes high-tech milking equipment the future of the dairy business?


The technological strike is difficult to hide from any scenario or area. Indeed! Technological advancement has allowed every business owner to put forward the best in everything. And same goes for the dairy business. As new and updated technologies enter the market, dairy farmers are in a better space. Suppose someone wants to set up the Milk Plant; they have a wide range of dairy equipment and machinery. Most importantly, the dairy business is growing, and how & the advancement do have an essential contribution to this.

Robotic milking machines allow control of everything

The world of automated milking equipment is ever-growing and evolving. The present working mechanism enables the dairy industry to be in a better headspace. Indeed! The world of technology will allow you to get hold of the renowned khoya machine manufacturer to set everything up better.

The technological approach brings the dairy farmers close to modern working. When you compare the working of traditional and contemporary dairy farms, the work is effective in modern dairy farms. So, whether you want to set up an entire dairy plant or add in new dairy machinery like Butter Churner, all that by seeking expert assistance from the dairy business. Indeed! The technological goal is to bring everyone together and allow the business to have productive & better functionality.

Automated post-dipping brings advancement

One of the significant areas of growth and advanced approach is automated post-dipping. The process might seem in the present space, but it will get greater attention and become a thing of daily use with time. The concept of automated technology reduces the need for labor and allows hygiene & milk quality to get much better. Automation limits the chances of contamination and other problems.

Automated function for cow logistics

Another big thing to look out for: Cow logistic. Automated functioning system is still new, and many people don’t know about the given area.

The critical factor is to bring effectiveness in every step and make the functioning as smooth and comfortable as possible. Additionally, one of the money-saving approaches is to include dairy plants in the present time.

NK Dairy Equipments – Brings you close to technology

The expertise and skills of our dairy equipment manufacturer are what you need to choose a better and more practical approach. It’s time to make a necessary change to ensure all your efforts are out to right use.

The present technological wave has a lot to do with the current time. If you want to add something latest and innovative to your dairy farm contact NK Dairy Equipments to analyze better what approach is required to make your dairy business functional in all possible manners. Discuss all your dairy equipment and machinery needs with the team to get started.

diary equipments - Diary information Mawa Machine

Mawa making a vital part of daily business and Its benefits


Mawa (Khoya)- Provides several health benefits

Milk is one of the essential dairy products known for its different uses for various products. Milk as a dairy product is used in desserts because of the richness, creaminess, color, and moisture it offers. That’s not all; the increasing demand for males opens up an excellent opportunity for the dairy business owners to set up their own Mawa Machine at the dairy plant.

What is Mawa or Khoya?

For mawa preparation, there are given steps:

  • Milk needs to be boiled on a medium flame by using a wide-mouthed pan
  • It’s heated until the water evaporates and only solids are present.

The use of mawa making machine have a higher demand in the dairy sector because mawa in different food preparations like:

  • Gujia
  • Halwa
  • Kheer
  • Barfi
  • Gulab jamun
  • Kalakand
  • And much more!

Are you thinking of installing the maw machine or any other dairy machinery?

It would help to get hold of the leading dairy plant and Ghee Plant manufacturers to seek quality equipment and machinery for better results.

Nutritional value of Mawa

The given table breaks down the nutritional value of mawa to include in your daily life.





Measure (Daily Value)









Total fat



24 gm (37%)



Saturated fat



15 gm (75%)






84 mg (24%)






286 mg (12%)






1019 mg (29%)



Total carbohydrates



30 mg (10%)



Dietary fibre



0 gm






30 gm






20 gm



Vitamin A






Vitamin C 10%















 What are the potential benefits of mawa?

Mawa offers several benefits, just like milk consumption. It’s a good source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus. The nutritional value is exceptionally high, challenging to get from any other source. Some of the topmost benefits of mawa consumption are:

  • High in protein
  • High in calcium
  • May strengthen bones
  • Could prevent the formation of kidney stones
  • Good for bone health
  • Good for muscle development
  • It May benefit cardiovascular health
  • May boost brain health

Including maw into your daily life benefits your overall well-being better. And here are some of the reasons that point towards the same:

  • Mawa is an excellent source to boost cardiovascular health because of being a low-fat dairy product. Additionally, the presence of different nutrients in it, as mentioned in the table, plays an essential part in boosting overall strength.
  • Not just the bone and muscle strength get increased with mawa intake.

Are you ready to set up a mawa-making plant?

Considering all the given benefits, setting up the mawa-making plant is worth considering. Now, all you need is to manage the entire process. And begin your search for the top-rated dairy equipment and machinery for effective working. Reach out to the team of Nk Dairy Equipments to help you choose a reliable choice and get a quality product.