Dairy Plants

Learn about NK Dairy Advanced Milk Cooling Tank

Do you want to establish a dairy plant? Contact NK Dairy Equipments. NK Dairy Company offers numerous machines for dairy product production, including khoya, paneer, curd, ghee, and more. NK Dairy technicians create advanced machines that operators can easily operate.  

As we know, raw milk contains numerous harmful germs and bacteria. It can be destroyed by heating.

Heating helps eliminate bacteria without damaging the quality. After removing the harmful bacteria from milk, it is paramount to immediately cool it down, which helps increase milk shelf life. 

In this video, you will learn about the advanced milk cooling tanks that NK dairy technicians design. Milk cooling tanks are made from high-quality material that is easy to clean and ensures that your dairy product is safe for people to consume, whether it is milk or dairy products. Milk cooling tanks are essential for making dairy products. Without cooling milk, it is challenging to make dairy products. The cooling process helps to increase milk shelf life. It also increases quantity while maintaining quality.  

If you want to buy easy-to-operate machines for your dairy plants, contact NK Dairy Equipments. We provide advanced and reliable machines that work perfectly for the long term. 

Dairy Plants

Daily Plant Equipment Installation & Setup By Experts From NK Dairy Equipment

Dairy Plant business is excelling day by day and reaching new heights. As a result, it has become a lucrative business opportunity for many enthusiastic businessmen. People want to open up their dairy plants and attain the benefits that they have to offer. If you are planning to start your dairy plant or need any dairy equipment, Contact NK Dairy Equipment. 

We not only provide you with the best dairy equipment but also help with dairy plant equipment and setup. In this video, you can see the installation and setup of a dairy plant by experts from NK Diary Equipment. We provide equipment and machines such as Butter Melting Vat, Repression Tank, Steam Boiler, Diffusion Panel, Dump Tank with filter, Ghee Boiler, Ghee Sucking Tank, Ghee Clarifier, and Ghee Storage Tank. 


We offer a full dairy setup from scratch and offer an array of dairy-related equipment and plants. Thus, if you are interested in opening up your own dairy plant, contact NK Dairy Equipment. Our team will guide you through the process and requirements for commencing your own dairy plant. Book your consultation with our experts today!

Dairy Plants Dairy Processing

Why Dairy Turnkey Solutions Are Loved The Most?

Just imagine you want to start a dairy business, but you have no idea what you need and how to start it.

 Secondly, you are entirely unaware of the products you need, such as Cream separators and other such products.

If you are in the same situation, building a Turnkey Dairy Plant is the most appropriate option. And in this post, we will discuss everything about turnkey dairy solutions and their benefits.

Read this blog until the end and build a profitable dairy business.

 What do you mean by a Turnkey Dairy Solution?

 The turnkey dairy solution is a modular container with a complete set of dairy equipment such as a khoya making machine, milk burner, paneer-making machine, and many more.

 By getting a turnkey dairy solution, you would not have to think a lot about the complex processes of working in a dairy plant and dealing with what kind of equipment you need.

 At NK Dairy Equipments, you can directly share your requirements around your plan of having a dairy and how big you want.

 Right after that, our expert team will be able to guide you with the right information.

 Benefits of a Turnkey Dairy Solution

 There are plenty of benefits of turnkey dairy solutions. Let us have a look at some of them:

        Affordable Option:

 When dealing with turnkey dairy solutions, you can save a lot of money instead of manually selecting and buying dairy equipment. Furthermore, as in a turney dairy solution, you will get all the equipment properly fitted per your requirements.

 We have also noticed a few people unaware of their required equipment; they buy the wrong dairy equipment. Hence it becomes the most crucial reason to select Turnkey Dairy Solutions.

        Reduced Workload:

 With the help of a turnkey solution, you won’t have to be involved in all the different tasks of making dairy products; you need to fill the raw materials in the appropriate quantity, and the dairy component will provide you with the final product.

 In this way, you would have to hire fewer employees to manage your dairy plant, which will directly enhance your sales & profits.

        Timeline-Based Work:

 When dealing manually with all the dairy products and their equipment, there are no specific timelines within which your dairy products will be created. But, when discussing turnkey dairy solutions, the machinery can provide the exact timeline for the complete process and check the final output.

        Quality Products:

 All the final products would be of high quality by considering the assurity provided by dairy equipment. Although, when dealing with manual processes, there are chances for mistakes.


Turnkey Dairy Solutions are the next best thing, and we hope you understand why choosing a turnkey solution is better than opting for equipment manually. To get the best dairy equipment, contact NK Dairy Equipments.

Dairy Plants

Define dairy farming and Animal care.

Dairy farming aims to raise animals, primarily dairy cows, to produce milk, paneer, ghee, and other dairy products. Dairy farmers prioritize managing their animals’ health, welfare, and milk yield to maximize milk production in terms of both volume and quality. Proper care and quality of dairy farming help increase the number of dairy products, and for making quality khoya, khoya machines are available. 


What is the definition of dairy farming and animal care? 

  • Dairy farming: A subset of agriculture known as dairy farming involves the breeding, growing, and use of dairy animals, primarily cows, to generate milk and other processed dairy products. The buffalo and cows are the leading producers of milk for human consumption. In Egypt, China, India, and other Asian nations, goats are an essential source of milk. Although goat milk is produced in North America and Europe, it is less significant than cow’s milk. To take more ghee from the milk butter, the best companies planted a ghee plant. 
  • Animal care: The term animal care describes giving medical, psychological, and physical assistance to maintain the health and welfare of animals. This entails giving adequate rest, food, exercise, grooming, and medical care as required. In addition to providing for animals’ behavioral and social needs, animal care also entails fostering their physical and mental well-being and establishing secure, stimulating settings.


What are the benefits of dairy farming? 

As with any agricultural endeavor, dairy farming has several advantages for both farmers and society at large. Here are a few of the main advantages:

  • Nutritious Food Production: Dairy farming produces a consistent amount of foods rich in vitamins, calcium, and other necessary nutrients, like butter, cheese, yogurt, and milk.
  • Economic Contribution: Dairy farming makes a substantial contribution to the economy by giving farmers a source of income, creating jobs in rural regions, and bolstering associated sectors like transportation, equipment manufacturing, and feed production.
  • Support for Livelihood: For families in rural regions, dairy farming can be a source of income that helps to reduce poverty and provide a means of self-sufficiency.
  • Land Use: Grasslands and other areas of land that might not be appropriate for different kinds of agriculture are frequently used for dairy production. This aids in stopping land deterioration and making efficient use of resources.
  • Soil Fertility and Management: Sustainable agricultural practices and improved soil fertility can result from well-managed dairy farms, which include recycling organic matter through manure.
  • Environmental Benefits: By fostering biodiversity, storing carbon in soils, and offering homes for wildlife, well-managed dairy farms can have a positive impact on the environment.
  • Community Development: Dairy farms frequently significantly impact rural communities, promoting social cohesiveness and offering chances for involvement and assistance.
  • Agriculture Sector Diversification: Dairy farming increases agricultural sector diversity by lowering reliance on a single crop and bolstering resilience against market swings.
  • Food Security: Dairy farming contributes to food security and stability by helping to meet the world’s expanding demand for dairy products.
  • Research and Innovation: Advances in animal nutrition, genetics, and management techniques are made possible by dairy farming, which also boosts production and sustainability.


Nowadays, advanced technology is used for dairy farming. If you are looking for dairy equipment in Ludhiana, then contact NK Dairy Equipments. 

Dairy Plants

डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स व अन्य डेयरी मशीन कैसे किसानो को दिलाएगी मुनाफा ?

डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स मशीन कैसे किसान भाइयों की खेती के कार्य के लिए वरदान है और इस मशीन की मदद से किसान भाई कैसे मुनाफा कमाने में सफल हो पाते है। इसके अलावा इस मशीन का चयन उन्हें कहा, कैसे और उसमे क्या खूबी जान कर लेना चाहिए, इसके बारे में आज के लेख में चर्चा करेंगे ;

क्या है डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स मशीन?

  • डेयरी उपकरण खेती की सभी समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए एक अद्भुत आविष्कार है। 
  • खेतों पर काम को आसान बनाने के लिए डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट बनाया गया है। डेयरी मशीन का उपयोग भारतीय किसान बेहतर उत्पादकता के लिए करते है। 
  • डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स मशीन की मदद से किसानों का कार्य भी आसान हो गया है, जिसके चलते वो एक साथ कई सारे कार्य को करने में सक्षम हो पाते है।
  • डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स मशीन की मदद से डेयरी उत्पादक में भी काफी मदद मिलती है।

अगर आप डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स मशीन का चयन करना चाहते है तो इसके लिए आप भारत में डेयरी उपकरण निर्माता का चयन करें।

डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स में कैसे बढ़ रही है मशीनों की मांग ?

  • आधुनिक समय में सभी क्षेत्रों में मशीनों का उपयोग निरंतर बढ़ता जा रहा है। इस दौड़ मेें डेयरी फार्मिंग भी पीछे नहीं है। इस क्षेत्र में भी आधुनिक मशीनों व उपकरणों का इस्तेमाल बढ़ता जा रहा है। 
  • पहले की बात करें तो डेयरी व्यवसाय के लिए कई मजदूरों की आवश्यकता होती थी लेकिन आज आधुनिक मशीनों की सहायता ली जाने लगी है। इससे कम समय और उचित लागत पर अधिक दुग्धोत्पादन प्राप्त किया जा रहा है। 
  • मशीनों में दूध निकालने वाली मशीन, दूध को ठंडा रखने की मशीन, पशुओं को गर्मियों में ठंडा रखने के लिए फोगर सिस्टम जैसे कई उपकरणों का इस्तेमाल डेयरी व्यवसाय में किया जा रहा है।
  • इन मशीनों के अलावा डेयरी उत्पादक का कार्य आसान करने वाली मशीनों में दूध से पनीर, घी, खोया निकालने की मशीन का चयन भी आप आसानी से कर सकते है।

यदि आप उपरोक्त बेहतरीन डेयरी मशीन की खरीददारी करना चाहते है तो इसके लिए आपको एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट कंपनी के संपर्क में आना चाहिए।

बेस्ट डेयरी इक्विपमेंट कंपनी !

  • अगर आप चाहते है की आपको डेयरी के व्यवसाय में ज्यादा मुनाफा हासिल हो तो इसके लिए आपको इस बात का ध्यान रखना चाहिए की आप जो भी मशीन खरीद रहें है क्या वो अच्छे से कार्य कर रही है या नहीं। 
  • दूसरी बात इस तरह की मशीन को खरीदने से पहले जान ले की आप जहा से इस मशीन की खरीदारी कर रहें है, क्या वह कंपनी नवी खुली है। 
  • उपरोक्त जाँच पड़ताल के बाद ही आप डेयरी मशीन का चयन करें। 
  • वही आप इस तरह की मशीन को एनके डेयरी इक्विपमेंट कंपनी से भी खरीद सकते है। इस कंपनी की बात करें तो इनका डेयरी इक्विपमेंट बनाने का काफी सालों का अनुभव है। 
  • वहीं अनुभवी कारीगरों के द्वारा यहाँ पर मशीन को बनाया जाता है, तो अगर आप यहाँ से मशीन को खरीदने के इच्छुक है तो आप खरीद सकते है वही आपको ऑनलाइन भी प्रोडक्ट को खरीदने की सुविधा यहाँ पर आसानी से मिल सकती है।

निष्कर्ष :

उम्मीद करते है की आपको पता चल गया होगा की आखिर क्या है, डेयरी इम्प्लीमेंट्स, तो आप अगर इस तरह की मशीन को खरीदने जा रहें है तो उपरोक्त बातों को जरूर जाने।

Dairy Plants Dairy Processing

How to Set Up and Succeed in Your Mini Dairy Processing Business

Starting a mini dairy processing business can be a successful endeavor that allows you to get into the expanding dairy sector. We’ll walk you through the process of starting and growing your business in this blog post.

We will give you essential insights and recommendations to help you develop a flourishing micro dairy processing business, from selecting the correct equipment to understanding regulatory needs and marketing tactics. Get ready for an amazing voyage into the world of dairy entrepreneurship. So, let us get this started!

  1. Conducting Market Research: Before venturing into the dairy industry, it is critical to undertake extensive market research. Determine your target market, study customer preferences, and determine local demand for dairy goods. This stage will assist you in determining the viability of your tiny dairy processing business and understanding the competitors.
  2. Selecting the Right Dairy Equipment: The correct dairy equipment is critical for efficient and high-quality production. Look for khoya machines and ghee plants that are designed to improve the manufacturing process and maintain constant product quality. A Khoya machine is an essential part of the machinery for any dairy processing firm that produces traditional dairy products such as Khoya or Mawa.
  3. Complying with Regulatory Standards: To ensure food safety and quality, the dairy sector is extensively regulated. Learn about local regulations and secure the essential licenses and permissions for your micro dairy processing business. Following these guidelines will not only ensure compliance but will also foster trust and confidence among your customers.
  4. Sourcing Quality Milk: The quality of your dairy products begins with the milk you use. Make connections with local dairy farmers or milk cooperatives to assure a consistent supply of fresh, high-quality milk. Maintain the grade of your products and satisfy client expectations by conducting frequent quality checks.
  5. Ensuring Proper Hygiene and Sanitation: In the dairy processing industry, cleanliness and sanitation are crucial. To prevent contamination and maintain product safety, follow thorough cleaning and sanitization methods. A Ghee plant is a specialized facility designed to extract pure clarified butter from milk to meet the growing demand for this revered dairy product. Train your employees on good hygiene standards and purchase stainless steel equipment that is simple to clean and sterilize.
  6. Establishing Distribution Channels: Developing an efficient distribution network is critical for efficiently reaching your target market. Determine which local merchants, supermarkets, and possible wholesale customers can assist you in distributing your dairy goods. Investigate online platforms and delivery services to broaden your reach and cater to a larger customer base.


Setting up and ready-to-go a small dairy processing business takes cautious planning, regard for quality, and a client-focused attitude. For top-notch dairy equipment manufacturers in India, consider NK Dairy Equipments. 

They provide a variety of high-quality equipment, such as khoya machines and ghee plants, that can assist streamline your dairy processing operations and contribute to the success of your business. Maintaining good supplier relationships, focusing on product innovation, and prioritizing customer pleasure will all help your mini dairy processing enterprise succeed in the long run.

Dairy Plants dairy products

Essential Tests for Ensuring Raw Milk and Finished Product Quality

When considering the dairy sector, ensuring the quality and safety of raw milk and finished products is of the most extreme significance. Dairy equipment manufacturers in India, for example, NK Dairy Equipments, play an important role in this process by giving high-level machineries like Khoya machines and Ghee plants.

In this blog, we will investigate the essential tests that dairy manufacturers ought to perform to ensure the best standards of raw milk and finished product quality.

  1. Sensory Evaluation

The first step in evaluating raw milk and final products is sensory evaluation. It entails inspecting the dairy products’ look, smell, taste, and texture. Dairy makers can discover any irregularities or off-flavors that may impair overall quality by using qualified experts or sensory panels.

  1. Microbiological Testing

Microbiological testing entails looking for bacteria, yeast, molds, and other microorganisms in raw milk and finished products. This test is critical for verifying that dairy products are free of pathogens and meet safety regulations. It reduces the risk of foodborne illness and ensures the product’s lifespan.

  1. Antibiotic Testing

Antibiotic testing is required to ensure product integrity. It identifies antibiotics in raw milk and final goods, ensuring that they are within acceptable limits. This test helps to prevent the consumption of antibiotic-contaminated milk and dairy products, hence protecting consumer health.

  1. Fat Content Analysis

The proportion of fat in raw milk and dairy products is determined by fat content analysis. It is essential for consistency and meeting product criteria. Dairy equipment manufacturers, such as NK Dairy Equipments, offer cutting-edge machineries such as Khoya machine and Ghee plants that enable accurate fat content measurement, facilitating the production of high-quality dairy products.

  1. Protein Analysis

Protein analysis determines the amount of protein in raw milk and finished products. It is a critical criterion for determining nutritional value and product quality. Dairy manufacturers may ensure that their products satisfy the desired protein levels and suit the nutritional demands of consumers by undertaking protein analysis.

  1. Residue Testing

Residue testing includes evaluating raw milk and finished products for the presence of pesticides, antibiotics, and different contaminants. It ensures that the dairy items are liberated from unsafe residues and comply with regulatory standards. Regular residue testing keeps up buyer confidence and maintains the reputation of dairy manufacturers.


Ensuring raw milk and finished product quality is a vital concern for dairy manufacturers. By carrying out the essential tests explained above, dairy equipment manufacturers, such as NK Dairy Equipments, can support the production of excellent dairy items, including Khoya and Ghee.

The Ghee Plant plays a vital role in the production of high-quality ghee. By staying focused on these tests, dairy manufacturers could meet buyer expectations at any point as well as keep up with regulatory compliance and build areas of strength for the business.

Through constant advancements in dairy equipment and severe quality control gauges, the Indian dairy area can flourish while ensuring the prosperity and fulfillment of consumers.

Dairy Plants

Effluent Treatment Plants: The Future of Environmentally-Friendly Dairy Milking


The dairy industry is known to notoriously create a lot of industrial waste, placing it in the topmost rank.

To tackle that, people making dairy equipment have come up with a solution that will keep them out of trouble. There are many Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturers in India who are helping us curb this situation as much as possible.

Here are the reasons to opt for ETP, which is essential in curbing ecological harm in the following ways:

  1. Pollution: ETPs are known to lower the wastewater content, which also includes fats, oils and other organic content. It minimizes the ecological impact effectively.
  2. Regulation compliant: These machines are made keeping international and local regulatory standards in mind to achieve minimal damage to the water bodies due to the water discharged from these factories.
  3. Water Conservation: The used and discharged water from these plants can be used for non-potable purposes, thus lowering the need for freshwater.
  4. Odour Control: These devices use the best methods to remove odorous substances, which also enhance the air quality inside the factories.
  5. Resource Recovery: Some of these ETPs are known to use technologies that produce biogas, which is essential for energy production in factories. Thus, it will help them save more money when it comes to electricity bills that are too huge when it comes to commercial purposes.
  6. Protection of water bodies: ETPs prevent the flow of untreated and harmful wastewater into the water bodies, thus protecting the environment effectively.
  7. Safety: These types of equipment incorporate advanced methods to remove pathogens harmful to our health before releasing the wastewater into the bodies. 
  8. Relief from Fines and Regulations: Complying with these norms by using such tools can help you save money that can be wasted on fines and other unwanted formalities.
  9. Improving the social image: The usage of these plants is known to improve the social image of the company and is useful in showcasing its corporate responsibility to its clients and other people in the market.
  10. Preservation of soil quality: Properly treated waste prevents degradation of soil quality, which also makes that land suitable for agricultural purposes.
  11. Better Relations With Surrounding Communities: If you have a factory producing dairy products around a locality and using these tools, you can build a better relationship with the locals, who won’t complain about anything regarding your production.
  12. Efficient Operations: These tools are known to optimize your operation and production capacity effectively. 


The environment is our own need. We need to conserve it in the best possible way for a better future. It can improve our lives effectively.

The effluent treatment plants have the best solutions for the wastewater that is harmful to our health. They have created many problems for us, like cancers and other types of health issues.

Hence, an ETP is really essential for your dairy production.

For more such tools and their details, you can come to us and have the best information to take your first step towards advanced dairy production and become a market leader.

dairy equipments Dairy Plants ghee plant

Tested Dairy Equipment With Latest Innovations, Competitive Pricing, and Enduring Durability

Having durable and efficient dairy equipment is critical in the dairy business for producing high-quality dairy products. Dairy equipment manufacturers in India have been working to deliver creative solutions in response to technological advancements and the changing needs of dairy farmers and processors.

We will look at the importance of time-tested dairy equipment with the newest technologies, competitive prices, and long-lasting durability in this helpful guide. NK Dairy Equipments, a well-known industry provider, provides a comprehensive range of dairy equipment, including the well-known Khoya making machine and Ghee Plant.

The Significance of Dairy Equipment Manufacturers:

Dairy equipment manufacturers play an important role in satisfying the dairy industry’s diversified needs. They are aware of the specific needs of dairy farmers and processors, and they design and manufacture equipment to provide maximum efficiency, productivity, and quality throughout the dairy production process.

The Role of Khoya Making Machine in Dairy Production:

Khoya, a traditional dairy product frequently utilized in numerous Indian sweets and desserts, necessitates the use of specific equipment. NK Dairy Equipments’ Khoya Making Machine is developed to simplify and streamline the process. It efficiently turns milk into rich, creamy khoya, preserving the authentic taste and texture while saving dairy farmers time and effort.

The Importance of Ghee Manufacturing Unit in Dairy Processing:

Ghee, a clarified butter commonly used in Indian cuisine, has grown in favor around the world due to its distinct flavor and health advantages. A well-designed Ghee Manufacturing Unit is required for the production of high-quality ghee. It ensures exact temperature, moisture content, and processing time control, resulting in a superior product. NK Dairy Equipments provides dependable and efficient Ghee Plants that satisfy industry requirements and enable dairy processors to reliably produce superior ghee.

Latest Innovations in Dairy Equipment:

Dairy equipment manufacturers are continually innovating to satisfy the changing demands of the dairy business. They use cutting-edge technologies and innovations to boost productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in dairy production. These advancements, ranging from automated milking systems and milk processing equipment to modern packaging solutions, help to improve the overall dairy processing ecology.

Competitive Pricing and Enduring Durability:

In addition to having cutting-edge technology, NK Dairy Equipments also stands out for having affordable prices and long-lasting durability. They are aware of how important cost-effectiveness is to dairy producers and processors. They help their clients realize a favorable return on investment and long-term business success by providing dependable and durable equipment at affordable pricing.


In the dairy sector, dependable and effective dairy equipment is crucial for reliably delivering high-quality dairy products. Manufacturers of dairy equipment in India, such as NK Dairy Equipments, are essential in supplying tried-and-true machinery with the most recent advancements, affordable prices, and unfailing endurance.

Their products, like the Khoya Machine and Ghee manufacturing unit, ensure the production of premium dairy products while streamlining procedures and boosting efficiency. Dairy farmers and processors can satisfy the market’s expanding expectations and stay ahead by embracing these technical developments.

Dairy Plants Dairy Processing Hindi

डेयरी उद्योग में खोया मशीन, क्रीम सेपरेटर जैसी मशीनरी सिस्टम ने मचाया धमाल,हर एक क्षेत्र में किया विकास

खोया मशीन, क्रीम सेपरेटर जैसी मशीनरी ने मचाया

दूध से क्रीम कैसे निकाला जाता है इस बारे में हम बात करेंगे,क्युकि बहुत से ऐसे लोग है जिन्हें इस मशीन की आवश्यकता पड़ती है पर अफ़सोस उन्हे इस बारे में जानकारी नहीं होती जिस कारन वो यह मशीन या तो खरीदते नहीं और मान लो अगर खरीद भी लेते हैं तो उन्हे उचित जानकारी नहीं होती जिस कारन उनका कई बार नुकसान भी हो जाता हैं, पर उम्मीद है कि इस कॉन्टेंट को पड़ने के बाद आपकी काफी हद तक मशीन को खरीदे या न खरीदे वाली परेशानी हल हो जाएगी |

  • अब कुछ लोगो के दिमाग में यह बात गूँज रही होगी की दूध से क्रीम निकालने वाली मशीन का नाम क्या हैं ,तो बता दे कि इस मशीन को दूध सेपरेटर मशीन और क्रीम सेपरेटर मशीन के नाम से आम तौर पर जाना जाता है जिसकी मदद से आसानी से हम और आप दूध से क्रीम निकाल सकते हैं |
  • और वही इस प्रक्रिया को आम बोल चाल में अपकेंद्रीकरण के नाम से जाना जाता हैं |

 अब हम बात करेंगे कि दूध सेपरेटर या क्रीम सेपरेटर मशीन खरीदते समय किन बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए…..

 क्रीम सेपरेटर खरीदने से पहले आपको स्पष्ट होना चाहिए के किस क्षमता की मशीन आपको चाहिए यहाँ ये भी बता दे की जितनी बड़ी क्षमता का सेपरेटर होगा उतना ही कम क्रीम को अलग करने में कम समय लगेगा और आपकी दूध की प्रक्रिया को तेज़ी से करने में मदद भी करेगा जिस से की यह ख़राब नहीं होगा |

  • जिस क्रीम सेपरेटर के सभी दूध संपर्क भाग स्टेनलेस स्टील 304 खाद्य ग्रेड सामग्री के बने होते हैं आपको वही क्रीम सेपरेटर चुनना चाहिए और गैर खाद्य सामग्री जैसे प्लास्टिक, हलके स्टील आदि के साथ दूध में प्रतिक्रिया भी हो सकती है जो की प्रदूषण का कारण भी बन सकती है |

यहाँ एक बात ध्यान रखने वाली है कि ऑफ लाइन क्रीम सेपरेटर तीन श्रेणियों में उपलब्ध है पहला बिजली वाली, दूसरा हाथ से चलने वाली और तीसरा हाथ और बिजली दोनों से चलने वाली | यदि आप जहा रहते है और वहां बिजली बार-बार चली जाती है तो आपके पास हाथ और बिजली से चलने वाली मशीन भी होनी चाहिए!

  • क्रीम सेपरेटर का स्टेनलेस स्टील का बाउल सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग है इस मशीन में क्योंकि यह लगभग 8000 आर पी एम घूमता है इसलिए स्टेनलेस स्टील का बाउल फोर्जिंग प्रक्रिया से बनाया जाना चाहिए |
  • और एक बात यह भी सुनिश्चित कर ले के कि आपूर्ति कर्ता आपको 10 वर्षों तक के मशीन को चलने के लिए सामग्री उपलब्ध करवाए
  • सेपरेटर के स्पेयर पार्ट्स आसानी से एक दूसरे के साथ विनिमय होने चाहिए
  • मशीन को सुचारु रूप से चलाने के लिए यह सुनिश्चित कर ले कि जो सेपरेटर खरीद रहे हैं उस के साथ 1 वर्ष के उपभोग भाग साथ हों

दूध में वसा के अलग करने की दक्षता जो है वो 0 .00 5 % होनी चाहिये जो की अधिकतम सेन्ट्रीफ्यूगल बल के साथ उपलब्ध भी होती है

ये हमने बात की है कि किस तरह अगर कोई किसान वर्ग है या कोई आम व्यक्ति है अगर उसने इस मशीन को खरीदना है तो एक बार इन जानकारियों से अवगत जरूर हो जाए ताकि उसको किसी भी तरह की परेशानी का सामना न करना पड़े बस इसमें कुछ चीज़ो को ध्यान मै रखना होगा जो की हमने आपको बता ही दिया है और दूध से क्रीम कैसे निकाला जाता है वो भी आपको पता लग ही गया होगा


और हां अगर आपको खोया मशीन, क्रीम सेपरेटर जैसी मशीनरी खरीदनी है लेकिन कहा से खरीदे वो नहीं पता तो आप एन.के डेयरी इक्विपमेंट पर जा कर ले सकते हैं और आसानी से इसका इस्तेमाल भी कर सकते है