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    Double Circuit Plant in India

    Importance of Double Circuit Plant in Dairy Units

    Rise in Production:

    Double Circuit Plant can be considered the heart of innovation for many industries, including dairy units. This plant is necessary for creating the symphony of Efficiency and quality in milk production. The rise in production in the local dairy unit in your city might be due to the Double Circuit Plant India by Nk Dairy Equipment . The outcome of the milk product in the dairy plant is very efficient and creamy.

    Double Circuit plant: 

    A Double Circuit plant is a type of cleaning-in-place system. The use of two different circuits differs from the single-circuit CIP plant. Two different circuits are responsible for the proper cleaning and sanitation in the milk plant. The main idea of leading Double Circuit Plant Manufacturers like Nk Dairy Equipment is to help the small and big dairy units improve the Efficiency and effectiveness of their dairy production. At the same time, all the tensions and the hassles of cleaning are cut down by this Rise in Production

    Heart of Innovation : 

    Double Circuit Plant India can be considered the heart of innovation for many industries, including dairy units. This plant is necessary for creating the symphony of Efficiency and quality in milk production. The rise in production in the local dairy unit in your city might be due to the Double circuit Plant by Nk Dairy Equipment. The outcome of the milk product in the dairy plant is very efficient and creamy. 

    Increase Efficiency: 

    A Double Circuit plant is a type of cleaning-in-double-circuit plant. Not only does this plant boost Efficiency, but it also minimizes the risk of cross-contamination during the production process.

    Cleaning & Sanitation: 

    In the Double circuit plant, there are two separate tanks used. One tank is filled with the cleaning material, and the other one is filled with the sanitization liquid to do the proper sanitation after cleaning. The cleaning tank is filled with quality cleaning detergent solution, which is non-contaminated. And the sanitation tank is filled with sanitation liquid, which is extremely powerful in killing any bacteria and germs that produce in milk plants and dairy units.

    Cleaning Process:

    The equipment which needs cleaning is put in the cleaning tank of the double-circuit plant. The strong circulation of cleaning detergent solution flows across the machines or the equipment inside the tank. This process is fixed for a predetermined time as per the condition of the equipment, like how much cleaning is required for it. 

    Sanitation Process: 

    After cleaning, the equipment inside the cleaning tank is removed and placed in the sanitation tank. Like cleaning tank parts, the best germ-killing sanitizer solution will flow across the machines and equipment. The sanitization process is also fixed time as per the size of the machines. 

    Use Of Two Tanks : 

    Including modern technology like a Double circuit plant in your dairy unit benefits every business. Using two different tanks for cleaning and sanitation increases the quality of sanitation and cleaning. And the most useful thing is that the tanks do not need to be filled again after and during the cleaning process. This increases the Efficiency ultimately for dairy units.


    The risk of cross-contamination is a general concern if you rely on the same tank cleaning and sanitation system. But in a double-circuit cleaning system plant, there is no chance your equipment gets cross-contamination. Using two tanks is necessary to minimize the risk of cross-contamination while cleaning and sanitation the equipment.

    Double Circuit Plant Machines

     preceded by the Nk Dairy Equipments significantly increase the safety standards. Using separate cleaning and sanitation tanks ensures no germ is left to spread the contamination in the milk and other dairy products to eliminate foodborne illness
