Dairy Plants

Improving Sustainability with Innovative Dairy Farming

There is no doubt that India is a land of farmers. Along with this, a lot of developments have been made in the dairy industry which made India the largest milk producing nation. The annual milk production is around 155.5 MT and it is estimated that it is going to get double in the coming years.

No doubt, several efforts have been made it increase the productivity at low operating cost, better quality milk, and more profits. Here are some innovative farming dairy models which help in improving sustainability:

  • Dairy farm at Large Scale

The Dairy farm at large scale consists of feeding system, crossbred cows, milk processing machines, and best storage facility. In this, the private player handles the responsibility and all the maintenance of the dairy plant. In this, there might be a mutual contract with the farmers to keep the supply of fodder proper so that the cattle produce the milk of good quality. The milk can be sold as their own product or to other dairy farm owners. This model helps in increasing the productivity at large scale by increasing the farm operations and other control processes. 

  • Industry Supported farming model

Many farmers get financial support and technical guidance from private owners. This way, they can expand their business by increasing the cattle size and other dairy farm operations like building a proper infrastructure, feed management, and trying new breeding practices.

In case you are looking to set up your own ghee plant then make sure you buy the best machinery and equipment. You can get the best dairy machinery in our company.

  • Progressive Dairy Farm owners

The dairy farm which is of mid-sized and has around 500 cattle animals for the future. Basically, they focus on effective labor management, best veterinary service, and fodder. In this, the farm owner does not have to spend so much money to get quality milk.

But, the problem is that as the investment is limited, so giving a proper check to all the farm operations is not an easy task.

  • Community Dairy Farms

This model is actually based on a dairy farm which is set up in China. In this, the milch animals are taken from the neighborhood and then proper care is taken of them. In the farm infrastructure private player invest the most and the ownership is with individual milk producers. They are responsible for managing the cows and their shelter. This way, the small scale farmers get to take the experience of resources and technology.

Dairy Plants

What Happens at Milk Processing Plants

If we were asked that which part of our diet is the most common throughout the world, it would be most probably milk. We love ice-creams, cheese, butter, and cottage cheese. We relish milk and curd in their simple and flavored forms. Many dishes use milk, cream or butter for enhancing its taste. We can see that milk is an important part of our lives.

Hence the need for various milk pasteurizer plants. There has been a wave of automation in the milk processing services which has led to an increase in both the quality and the quantity of the milk production. It has also helped in minimizing the wastage and reduction of carbon footprint.

Milk processing-It is a series of methods which ensure that the milk is fit for consumption. After ensuring that, the milk is packed and sold to the customers. The whole cycle can be divided into various steps-

  1. Collection –The milk is collected and then checked for quality and purity
  2. Transfer –The milk is transferred to various plants which store the milk in huge tanks. Here the milk undergoes separation and clarification making it fit for consumption. The processes of separation and clarification make it bacteria free.
  3. Separation –It is a process which is used to separate full cream milk and toned milk.
  1. Fortification –It is the process in which there is the addition of fortified vitamins and minerals.
  1. Pasteurization – The milk is heated to a very high temperature and cooled immediately. This helps in eliminating bacteria.
  1. Homogenization – The fat content of the milk is removed by the process of homogenization.
  1. Packaging –The products are packed and made ready to be sold at customer markets. The milk is made available in different fat content forms. The milk can be availed from online and offline stores.

Milk processing plants are helpful in all the steps of milk processing. With the milk processing plants, the various steps of the milk processing cycle are simplified. It also makes the whole process hygienic and fast. The obvious outcome is the faster delivery of better quality milk. The development of Milk processing plants has led to the ease of monitoring the delivery of milk from the tankers and the final packing into packets and bottles. The milk processing process is being enhanced by various automation technologies. The plant is indeed a necessary aspect of the efficient extraction of milk and all the steps which the milk goes through until it gets delivered to the customers.

Dairy Plants

Rising and Promising Future in Indian Dairy Industry

India is registering a rise in many fields. One such field is the dairy industry. From being the lowest cow milk producing country to the fastest growing dairy market in the world, India has indeed carved a niche in the dairy world. The reason may lie in the fact that the market is a source of livelihood for the 600 million rural families. Hence the need for more dairy plants. NK Dairy provides you with the latest, state of the art dairy machinery. We also sell dairy equipment.

What do the figures say?

The dairy industry has become globalized. The international dairy markets have become demand driven rather than supply driven. This has led to an increased demand for Indian dairy products in the international market.As a result, the Indian dairy export scene is all rosy. If we go according to the current figures, the Indian market has recorded a boom after a slump of 4 years. With the figures rising up from $260 million in the last year to $ 404 million in Feb 2019, we can proudly feel an increment of 56 % in the current year. The reason may be the rise in the global price of skimmed milk powder. No wonder, it has worked in favor of the Indian dairy industry.

The International Scene

Higher income groups and increased awareness regarding nutrition has led to an increase in demand for quality dairy products. Many developing and developed countries have become markets for dairy products. There is an increase in demand for processed and packaged dairy products as well, especially in urban areas. The rise in demand has led to an increase in competition in the private sector. We can see and feel various international brands entering the dairy sector. This has led to an escalation in the level of quality.

The Price Trends

As expected, there has been a phenomenal rise in the prices of the global dairy products and the race is still on! The prices of butter, milk powder (whole) and cheese have raised a lot. The skimmed milk powder is expected to be 10 % costlier in terms of world market prices. The butter is expected to be 30 % dearer by the time we reach 2022.

The Lifestyle Changes Which Demand Milk Products

Dieting has become a way of life for many people. There are various kinds of diet fads going on in the world. Among them lies the Keto Diet. It is known to deliver fast and effective weight loss results. The diet is related to dairy products in a close way. It recommends the use of cheese and other products with fats. The people who are in a hurry to lose weight are one of the biggest dairy consumers, thanks to the Keto Diet wave. All said and done, the Indian dairy industry is all set to become a high grosser on a global level.