cream separator

In-depth information about the functioning of a cream separator


Well, a cream separator is a device that helps in the cream separation process from milk. And also plays an essential role in dividing whole milk into Skim Milk and Cream. You can contact NK Dairy Equipments to buy this device, as they are the best Dairy Equipment Manufacturers in India.

Moreover, they also provide Khoya Making Machine and Ghee Plant. In order to get big profits or high-quality work productivity of machines matters so you can contact them to complete all your demands.

This is how a cream separator work

  • Cream separator functioning

Centrifugal force is used to separate cream from milk in more quantity. Milk keeps on spinning in a drum until the process is complete, and the speed of spinning is between six thousand to ten thousand per minute.

Essential factors to keep in mind

  • Efficiency

A high-quality centrifugal cream separator can remove skim milk up to 0.05 percent of the fat in skim milk.

  • Ability

You can fill the drum with milk, and within one hour, it can provide proper separation of cream from skim milk.

  • Power Supply

As these cream separators have a motor that requires electricity in order to perform a milk separation task. However, in the past manual cream separators were more popular and did not require electricity. And that was a time-consuming process because human hands can not match the speed of machines.

Considerations that influence milk separation

  • Temperature of milk

According to many studies, 45 degrees celsius temperature is enough or perfect for the best in order to complete milk separation properly.

  • Several volumes of milk

The more milk you will use, the more you will get cream. And machines perform their task easily when there is more quantity. However, the results of cream extraction from milk also depend on the fat percentage of milk.

  • Recommendation

According to many dairy equipment manufacturers, if you have to separate cream from milk in a huge amount, then you can use two devices. Because using one separator continuously can affect the outcomes of separation. And when you clean the first device so at that time you can use the second cream separator. It will provide assistance for obstacle-free production.

Types of the milk separation process

  • Organic Vs. Pasteurized

The process of cream separation from raw milk does not vary from the process of pasteurisation. And in natural milk, it is not important to remove fat.

  • Cow and goat

The separation process is the same for all types of milk, but there can be a difference between the time of the separation process. This is because of the difference in the structure and fat of the milk.



cream separator Hindi khoya making machine

दूध से क्रीम खोया और मक्खन निकालना हुआ आसान क्रीम सेपरेटर मशीन का करे इस्तेमाल


क्या है ये क्रीम सेपरेटर की मशीन :

क्रीम सेपरेटर मशीन: बता दे की ये वो मशीन है जिससे जितने भी हमारे किसान भाई हैं, वो इस मशीन की मदद से बहुत ही आसानी से दूध से मक्खन,क्रीम,खोया निकाल सकते हैं |

जहा इस मशीन से किसानो को तो फायदा होता ही हैं, तो वही दूसरी और इस मशीन से डेरी उत्पादकों का भी काफी फायदा होता हैं |

 क्या फायदे है खोया मावा या क्रीम सेपरेटर मशीन के :

इस मशीन का सबसे बड़ा फायदा ये है कि इस में बनाया गया कोई भी मिश्रण (मख्खन,खोया,क्रीम ) ख़राब नहीं होता , जिससे की किसानो को काफी मुनाफा होता हैं |

इस मशीन से हम एक मात्र दूध से कई सारे पर्दार्थो का निर्माण करते है, जिससे कि समय का भी बचाव होता है और पैसे भी काफी बन जाते हैं |

यहाँ गौरतलब करने वाली बात ये है की जिन किसानों या डेयरी संचालकों के पास रोज 100 लीटर से ज्यादा के दूध का उत्पादन होता है वे लोग दूध के कुछ हिस्से का खुद से पनीर, दही, छाछ, खोया और देसी घी बनाकर बेचे तो उन्हें काफी मुनाफा मिलेगा इस मशीन से।

इस मशीन की कीमत क्या हैं :

बता दे की इस मशीन की कीमत दूध के लीटर पर आधारित होती है मतलब कि ये अगर आप 100 लीटर वाली मशीन खरीदते हैं, तो उसकी कीमत 40,000 के आस पास होगी। तो इस हिसाब से आप अंदाजा लगा सकते है कि कितने लीटर की मशीन का दाम कितना होगा |

सुझाव :

यदि आप भी दूध से क्रीम या दूध से बने अन्य उत्पाद निकालना चाहते हैं, तो दूध से क्रीम निकालने की मशीन, खोया मशीन जरूर ख़रीदे और अच्छा मुनाफा पाए। 

दूध से क्रीम को निकालने की प्रक्रिया :

अक्सर हम दूध से क्रीम निकालने की मशीन आसानी से ख़रीद लेते है पर उस मशीन का इस्तेमाल कैसे करना है वो हम नहीं कर पाते, तो कुछ निम्न बातों को ध्यान में रख कर हम इस मशीन कि प्रक्रिया के बारे में जानेगे………….  

  • सबसे पहले आपको क्रीम सेपरेटर का सही रूप से किसी भारी आधार के साथ नट बोल्टों की सहायता से इसे पक्का कर देना चाहिए ताकि जब उसे चलाया जाए तो ये हिले नही। 
  • इसके बाद स्प्रेटर का हर हिस्सा साफ़ सुथरा होना चाहिए और इस्तेमाल करने के बाद इसको खोल कर अच्छी प्रकार से गर्म पानी से धोना और सुखा लेना चाहिए। और स्प्रेटर में दूध डालने से पहले यदि दूध को हल्का गर्म किया जाए तो क्रीम में वसा अधिक मात्रा में निकलेगी।
  • ध्यान रहे की क्रीम सेपरेटर को कम वोल्टेज पर नहीं चलाना हैं, क्युकि कम वोल्टेज से उसकी स्पीड में अंतर आ जाता है और स्प्रेटे दूध में अधिक फैट की मात्रा की हानि होती है। और सेपरेटर में गेयर आयल का ध्यान रखना चाहिए और इसे समय-समय पर बदलते रहना चाहिए ताकि आपको कोई परेशानी न हो। 
  • तो वहीं सेपरेटर के विभिन्न हिस्सों को सावधानी और कुशलता से जोड़ना और खोलना चाहिए क्योंकि एक भी डिस्क खराब हो जाती है तो क्रीम सेपरेटर अच्छी तरह काम नहीं करेगा।

निष्कर्ष :

यदि आप भी दूध से इतने व्यंजन बनाना चाहते है, तो NK Dairy Equipments जोकि हरियाणा में स्थित हैं से इस मशीन को मंगवा सकते है, और बता दे कि इस मशीन को मँगवाने की सुविधा ऑनलाइन भी प्रस्तुत हैं।

cream separator

What Is A Cream Separator Machine, Its Uses, And How Does It Work?


Today in this article, we will be discussing the uses of cream, separator why is the purpose of the cream separator, and how they work? To enhance your dairy farming business, it is an essential factor that one must read if they are interested.

Given below is the detail of Milk Processing Equipment cream separator.

 What is a cream separator?

Let us begin earth the definition of the cream separator. As the name suggests, this machine basically removes the cream and then separates it from the whole cream.

The function of this machine relies on the idea that the weight of the cream is lighter than the skim milk. This is the reason why it becomes easier for the equipment to separate the cream from the milk.

Just like the advancement in the khoya Making Machine, we have also seen significant modernization in the cream separator machine. This update helps it to produce the milk of any given fat content with the automatic function.

With the process of centrifugation, the cream is separated from the milk at a milk production plant. The milk to be used for the separation is placed in the large bowl. In this process, the bowl is rotated at a very high speed until and unless the cream is separated from the milk. This is the basic functionality of the cream separator machine.

A cream separator also acts like a machine that clarifies all the dispensable items that are somewhat heavier than the skim milk, including sediment, bacteria, and somatic cells. All such heavy particles are assembled in the pockets which are outside of the separator.

 How Does The Cream Separator Work?

Now let us move towards the functionality of the cream separator and how it works. All the grocery store milk you purchase is homogenized, which means that the cream can not be removed. In the production process, the milk fat is broken down to make sure that the substances combine with the milk and do not float on the top.

Skimming the milk which you got straight from the milk is difficult and complicated. The method required you to have patience and dedication. Cream separator equipment is the most reliable and convenient tool to make the cream from milk.

 What Is The Use Of A Cream Separator?

The centrifugation and its principles help in creating cream from the milk. It is a modern force that helps separate the creams. It is one of the most outstanding devices that helps remove the cream from the sheep, cow, goat, camel, and other animals’ milk.

 How Is The Cream Made With A Cream Separator Machine?

Simple- the whole function of milk separation is easy and does not require any kind of professional training.

It is one of the most favored choices to produce skim milk or dairy milk in bulk. Apart from it is also durable and also easy to maintain.


cream separator

Detailed guide to understanding the effective use of cream separator at a dairy farm


Are you planning to take your dairy business one step further?


Are you planning to start your dairy farm?

In whichever scenario you are, it’s all-important that you follow the proper measures and use the best kind of machinery to manage the process effectively. Moreover, it’s not just the working, but the correct options have to be opted for in the dairy plant. Considering the same, it’s essential that the service of the top-rated Dairy Plant Manufacturer is opted for so that the final product is just the way you prefer. One such dairy equipment is a cream separator which has a lot to offer to the dairy plant. In this blog, I will tell you better about the cream separator and how it’s opting to take the dairy business one step further.

Even if you are planning to set up a ghee plant, it’s essential to follow all the vital measures for effectively getting things done. This is where the use of innovative dairy equipment and machinery is all-important.

What is the central role of a cream separator?

As the name suggests, the main aim is to separate the cream from the whole cream. The basic functionality of the same depends on the fact that cream is lighter than skim milk.

In a milk plant, the cream separation is done by centrifugation. The machine runs on a high, and then the milk is separated in the bowl. The cream separator has the leading role to play in this entire thing.

What is the working of the cream separator?

When you get the milk from the grocery store, it is homogenized, which means removing the cream is impossible. Additionally, this way, the milk solids will not flow on the top.

What are the reasons to use a cream separator in a dairy farm?

The use of modern machinery will make the entire work easy to manage, and it even flows in the proper manner. The inventive device works great to separate cream from any milk like cow, sheep, goat, and sheep. Moreover, these modern methods are much easier to understand as simply the command has to be given, and they will further do all the necessary work. This also means that once the instructions are given, you can continue doing the other work that requires more attention or has been in the pipeline for a long time. Additionally, the machinery is much more durable, and the flexibility of the same is much higher.

Get the expert help to make an informed choice

There are several dairy equipment and machinery available in the market. Therefore, you must make an informed decision about the same. As there are plenty of options in the market, the consideration is to select the one that is right or works best for your dairy business.

cream separator

What are the important things which help you select the best cream separator?


In this blog, we are going to take you through some of the insightful tips to select the best cream separator for your dairy plant.

  • Cream separator capacity is not the actual amount of milk that can be processed

When the manufacturer tells you the cream separator performance like 100litres per hour, it does not mean that it can separate the 100 liters of milk. With time, the separators are going to get clogged with fat, grass particles, and whatnot. It is the reason, after 45 minutes of work the separator needs to be stopped, unwind the drum, and then you need to stop it. It is just going to take 15 minutes. Ask the manufacturer to tell you better what needs to be done while using the machine.

  • Plastic is not always the bad thing

Well, the use of plastic in dairy equipment is helpful in different ways you might have not even thought of. No doubt, the plastic can break easily and it won’t smell the best. Many people prefer metal.

However, plastic is different and it is the perfect option & its use is not going to bother you in any sense. This option is cheaper and it will work best also.

  • Check the parts which come in food contact

The ideal material choice for all these options is stainless steel. Apart from that, you can opt for anodized aluminum. After that, you can choose aluminum and polycarbonate. You should not opt for the tin-plated parts as the material can peel off and starts getting rusted which affects the entire milk quality. So, choose wisely so that the end-user gets quality milk and dairy products.

  • Type of engine present in the machine

Well, there are 2 types of engines which come with a brush and without a brush. With brushless motors, there is the presence of electronics which helps to control the engine speed and it can perfectly adapt the voltage surges.

Engines with brushes are simpler and there is no presence of electronics. Moreover, it even allows you to change the speed of operation which can work great for separation.

Ideally, the motor with brushes is a preferable option as they are safe and there is no need for much electricity in it. So, the problem of getting the machine broken down is reduced.

  • Is there availability of fixing hooks in the separator?

Fixing crates are needed for safety purposes so that the separator is fixed to the milk container. If someone hits it by accident, the separator will not break and the surrounding objects are not going to get damaged. The milk container has to fix hooks attached to it which increases the stability.


cream separator

What are the topmost things for selecting the quality cream separator?


Given below are the top things which can help you select the premium quality cream separator along with other dairy equipment:

●     Cream separator capacity is not the actual amount you can process

When you get to know that it can perform at 100 liters per hour, this does not mean it can separate 100 liters of milk with this machine. Over time, the cream separator can get clogged with milk fat, solid elements, and particles of grass which can be found in milk. So, keep in mind after 30 minutes of work it needs to be stopped completely, unwind the drum, and then wash it.

The entire process is going to take 15 minutes. So, with 100 liters per hour of capacity, you can separate around 75 liters of milk because 15 minutes are for cleaning the cream separator’s drum.

●     Plastic is not the bad thing always

Many people worry about the quality of the end product when they see that some parts are being made of plastic. No doubt, plastic can be broken easily and they do not even smell good. So, many people prefer to buy a separator which is made of metal.

Plastic is different. Polycarbonate is one material that is used in expensive models. Additionally, it is not oxidized like aluminum and it is cheaper. Buying a plastic cream separator is the best choice you can make.

●     Consider the materials which will come in contact with food

While looking for a cream separator, you need to pay attention to the parts which will come in contact with milk. The following parts can be there like a float chamber, a milk container, a flota drum, skimmed milk outlets, and cream. So, the ideal choice of material for all these parts in stainless steel 304.

Another choice for the quality is anodized aluminum. After that comes the food polycarbonate and aluminum. Plain aluminum is not the best choice because it can not come in contact with milk which is not healthy.

●     What type of engine is present inside?

2 types of engines are there which are brushless one and a collector. Brushless motors are engines that have the electronics present inside it and they regulate the engine speed and then it can adapt the voltage surges.

Collector engines are simple because there is not any type of electronics in it and they have carbon brushes which can change the operating speed depending on the voltage change.

Brushless motors are a preferred choice as their resource is much greater as compared to the collectors. Collector motors are considered safe because there is less use of electronics inside which can be broken down and affect the working of machinery.

●     Selecting the right voltage

Mainly there are 2 voltage standards: 115V and 230V. You need to be extremely curious about it and find about the standards used in your area. Otherwise, connecting 230V to 115V is extremely slow, and if 115 V to 230V it is not safe at all. So, make sure the right voltage is selected while buying the separator.

cream separator

What is a milk separator and explain the working of milk separators in a dairy plant?


Milk separator is a cream extracting machine from all milk. The whole milk is then split into fat and skim milk. Cream and skim milk have various densities and therefore appear to be distinguished by the influence of severity. You should check for yourself: you can set the cow’s milk out for 24 hours to see if it settles on top. Milk separator is additionally known as a cream separator.

So, how is a centrifugal milk separator functioning?

Using centrifugal force it enhances the separation of the milk. A centrifugal milk separation unit has conical disks revolving in a bowl or drum at a speed of 6,000 to 10000 revolutions a minute, depending on the form. The operating theory of separation is this.

The centrifugal force travels into the holes of the disks as entire milk is inside of the vessel. The fat globules of the milk travel to the middle of the drum and the condensed milk hit the outer edge as they are clearer. That is how cream removal works. A single separator disk stack operates like this. The idea was the same irrespective of whether it is a limited model for home usage or a commercial model with a large dairy.

Key characteristics that are worth looking at the milk fat separator.

Efficiency-: The good quality centrifugal milk separator system is expected to remove skim milk only 0.01% to 0.05% butterfat.

Ability-: The ability of a separator is the volume of milk it is willing to absorb in an hour.

Power supply-: Separators may be electrically driven or manually controlled. Now available are hybrid models.

Specific considerations influencing milk separation

Milk temperature: The optimal temperature for milk separation is about 40 degrees C. The boiling of milk past 45 degrees Celsius is not advised. Different volumes of milk butterfat: more milk butterfat implies more cream after separation. With a milk separator, the average volume of butterfat is around 35% to 40%. It is usable.

Price of the milk: Tiny separators have no tank for self-cleaning, as the big centrifuges do. Instead, through 30-90 minutes, the cup must be carefully washed to extract butterfat, slime, and lateral matter. The precise time of continuous separation also depends on the consistency of the milk.

Our recommendation: Two bowls should be used. You will switch between the milk centrifugation without interrupting it. Another bowl works when you rinse it.

Factors that do not impair the separation of milk

Organic versus pasteurized-: When the milk is pasteurized, the cream is made from fresh milk.

Cow vs goat-: A weaker microstructure owing to its fatty globules and is usually smaller (compared to animal milk). So the cream of the goat grows even later than the cream of the cow. But with dish bowl centrifuge, all forms of milk are fairly well separated.

cream separator

How Cream Separators Are Necessary Today


With the growing milk industry, we have witnessed many things come to pass. The introduction of advanced dairy machinery has seen milk farmers dance to the best tunes ever. The machines have lessened the workload, hence attaining more from the activities.

What is a Cream Separator?

In the past, milk farmers used to milk their cows normally 2 or 5 cows in the morning. They could use manual labour or cans to separate the cream from the milk. This process was easier with those who had a few cows, but for those who had many, the milk had to be taken somewhere else to separate the cream from the milk. It could cost someone a lot of money one month to another.

Therefore, a cream separator is a machine or device that extracts cream from fresh/whole milk which results into skimmed milk.

The current studies show how cream separators are widely purchased by both dairy farmers and milk plants. The same machines are also required in factories, mostly associated with milk drinks and products.

The current market is promising due to the fact that there are different consumer preferences that have to be met by the dairy industry. There is high demand for skimmed milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, and much more that require separating cream from milk.

Advantages of Cream Separators today

Applying Centrifugal force is one of the best ways of separating cream from milk. The procedure that is currently used by big farms and milk plants is ideal in a unique way due to the fact that less than 1% of the cream is left behind.

The cream separators are in different models and types, but the advanced electric cream separators offer the following benefits

  • Remove Tuberculosis germs
  • Quality milk
  • Remove odours from the milk
  • Provides better cream
  • Purifies the milk
  • Improves aeration
  • Reduces workload
  • Effective from every angle
  • Fast
  • Improve the milk standards

The modern cream separators use a centrifugal force which is fast and effective. The electric cream separator consists of a frame where the rotor is located. The frame also harbors an electrical drive and with a mere press of the button, the milk will be centrifuged to separate the cream from the milk.

This process allows more litres of milk to be centrifuged on a daily basis. An electric cream separator can also be used at home for a number of spinning purposes.

However, also manual or semi-automatic cream separators can be purchased to help at the farm. Usually, depending on the usage and the amount of milk collected in a day, the cream separators are available in various sizes and models.

The cream separator market serves a large market and has helped many farms separate milk for different purposes. Cream separators are manufactured and supplied by NK Dairy Equipment at an affordable rate. They are normally in stainless steel, highly robust plastic and aluminium alloys.