dairy equipments

Things You Must consider before starting a milk distribution business

The business of dairy farming is growing in India at a very fast pace People might consider that start is easy but it is essential that you do it in the right way so that your business grows. In this guide, we have mentioned the things which should be considered to start the milk distribution business.

Milk is in high demand in India and every year this demand has seen a rise. People buy milk from the local dairy store or every morning they receive a milk packet. But, have you ever wondered how their availability is always on time? It might not bother the consumer but those who are planning to start the business of milk distribution need to consider this point.

Dairy business

For centuries the dairy market has been an important part. Our country is rich in its tradition of dairy farming for a long time. India is the largest consumer of milk and other dairy products as its nutritional value is very high. Also with the change in lifestyle, many things are neglected by the consumers but the demand in milk has never been changed or gone down. So, it is safe to say that the business of milk distribution will benefit a lot of business owners.

Moreover, with time the technology has improved a lot which means the milking machine is able to give a better quality product. Make sure that when you buy the dairy machinery for the dairy farm it should be bought from the trusted source.

Rapid growth in the dairy business

Milk sector is one area that grows no matter what and annually it grows by 4.2%. But, in the last few years, this has also risen to 6.4% which is why people prefer opting for this business. To make milk available to every consumer on time and with the best quality, the dairy companies need to understand the market with the help of the distribution channel.

Understanding the Distribution Channel

Milk needs to be delivered to the end-consumer with the best quality and by following the strict measures. The distribution channel is different as compared to other products.

Starting the Milk Distribution Business

To start any business it is essential to research properly as it helps you give a better understanding of how things need to be done. You should know more about:

  • Sourcing of milk
  • Storage of milk
  • Quality control
  • Customers base (b2b or b2c)
  • Transportation (chilled van)

Once you have gathered information about these things you can contact the bank for finance to get all the essentials you need to start the business.

Profit Margin

The business is profitable, so you should consider the demand-supply gap in the market. According to the location, the profit margin varies a lot along with the milk type and brand.

dairy equipments

Tips to start a Paneer manufacturing business

Dairy farming is on the growing stage these days across the world. Well, these days people usually love dairy products too much, because they know the benefits of them. If you are planning to start a new dairy business, then you need to understand what type of machines are used in this field.

If you are planning to start a paneer manufacturing business then you need to understand what type of things are necessary to start the paneer making business. In addition to this, you need to understand the needs of the customer what type of thing they like. Only then you must go with paneer making process on your dairy farm.

You need to fit the paneer making machine in your dairy farm, because with the rise in demand for dairy products you have to produce products in bulk but in a short time. You may not know that all the dairy tasks are done with the help of dairy machines such as butter churner, lassi making machine, milking parlor, and so on.

Tips to start a paneer manufacturing business.

Paneer market

This is the first and most important step you need to follow if you are thinking to start paneer making business. You must collect the data about paneer consumption in different states and areas. And then you must calculate the production and cost that is used to produce that much paneer. In addition to this, south India is one of the biggest markets for paneer, so you must check how much paneer, you need to produce only for South India.

You must check how much paneer is used in hotels to make new dishes near you and other states as well. If you do not want to spend too much money then you have started with a small scale business. And after some time, you can grow your paneer making business.

Know about popular dishes of paneer

As we stated above, these days the majority of people love eating paneer in each meal of the day. You must get knowledge about popular dishes of paneer, that are loved by each age group. Well, these days, flavored paneer is loved by people because there is no need to add anything in paneer, it can be raw eaten. There are certain dishes in which paneer is used, these are-:

  • Chhena Murgi
  • Mattar paneer
  • Shahi paneer, Paneer tikka, and Paneer tikka masala
  • Kadai Paneer
  • Palak Paneer
  • Chili paneer
  • Paneer Pakora
  • Rasmalai
  • Rasgulla
  • Paneer capsicum
  • Khoya paneer
  • Paneer bhurji

Moreover, you also must check the rules and regulations that are necessary to open the new business of paneer making. In addition to this, you must check for raw material, packaging, and delivery as well.

dairy equipments

Tips to Maximize Value in Dairy Business

Dairy farming is popular because of the high demand for dairy products. Well, still several people are struggling to grow their business effectively. If you are one of them, then you need to understand what to do or avoid to improve productivity and for future success as well.

As a dairy farmer, you need to know and understand certain tips to control and maximize the dairy business. It is also important to focus to increase profit. It is normal in most cases, that when you start producing more milk, you will ultimately start gaining more profit. Well, this may seem obvious, however, it is true, so you have to understand some tips that will help you to maximize the value in the dairy business.

No doubt, these days all the dairy works are done with the help of dairy machines, but effective management tools are also available to improve milk production. Here are some tips to help maximize value in the dairy business and for future success:

Maximizing product value

You must focus on the quality of the dairy products. If you are producing or making quality dairy products then there is no need to take tension. As effective products are valuable to grow your business well. However, if not, then you have to do something to maximize the value in the dairy business. You have to understand which type of products are loved by people the most and how to make quality products.

Check your types of equipment regularly

You have to check your dairy types of equipment regularly, whether they are working properly or not. If you find any type of problem then you have to solve that one immediately, so that you can increase the productivity of your dairy business. Make sure, your machines are working properly so that you can produce quality products.

Managing bacteria levels

This is not an easy task, but you have to manage the bacteria level carefully in dairy products. If you are new in the dairy business, then you have to get help from experts or other dairy farmers, who are in this business for a long time. You have to understand how controlled bacteria level is beneficial for quality dairy products.

Focus on quality products

You have to focus on quality products because of the rise in demand for dairy products. These days, people are more conscious about their health and they prefer eating fresh and hygiene products. So, this is the important tip you have to follow. If you supply quality product then more people start following you. And in this way, you will be able to grow your business and get more profit as well.

dairy equipments

Guide to starting and run the milk processing plant

Many people are opting for the business of dairy farming. This is because the people are opting for dairy products because of the health benefits it provides. In case you are going to start your dairy business then you need to properly understand how to set up your milk processing unit.

Nowadays many people plan on setting up and running the milk processing plant. Any person can set up their own milk plant with the help of an effective and essential process. By getting the milk processing plant installation the increasing demand will be met on time. There are various types of dairy plants that focus on improving the quantity and quality of milk production. The entire process can be divided into different steps which include transportation to processing plants, milk collection from the cattle, pasteurization, clarification, homogenization, and finally, milk is packed. The processes performed by the milk processing machine will be performed in a natural and efficient manner.

Steps to run the Milk processing plant

The milk processing procedure starts once the milk is received from the cattle. It has been separated, clarified and equipped with the fundamental vitamins. The fat amount is decreased and harmful microbes are killed after it has been pasteurized and homogenized. In the end, the milk is packaged and then sold to the end-users in packets. Here are some of the steps which are helpful in starting your dairy plants.

  • In each farm, 2 times a day the cow gives milk, for the big farms the process is performed by milk machine. Following that, milk is transferred to the different refrigerated tanks. Before transportation, the temperature is checked and tasting of milk is done.
  • In the processing method, the process starts with clarification and separation. This is performed by separators which helps in eliminating germs and other useless stuff which are not safe for human consumption. This method is referred to as clarification.
  • Then comes the procedure of milk refreshing with important vitamins, it makes it best for pasteurization. In this case, the milk is heated so that germs present in the milk are killed. The milk is heated and passed from the steel pipes by going through the pasteurization process.
  • The next procedure is homogenization which helps in removing the fat present in the milk. Homogenizers are very effective in performing the entire method effectively and efficiently. The fat particles are decreased once the product is heated. If this procedure is not performed then fat particles would drift above the milk.
  • The final step in milk processing is milk packaging. The milk is packed in plastic bags or cartons. The cartons are stamped with the proper date along with shelf life of milk. From the plant, the milk is transported to different places.
milking machine

Tips to Adapt Farm for Better Milk Quality in Future

Dairy farming is growing day by day due to advancements in technology. If you are thinking to start a dairy business. Then you need to understand what factors are valuable to produce quality milk to grow your business. Or you must read this article at the end for detailed information.

The dairy industry is not only growing in India but also across the world. If you are planning to start a dairy business, then you need to understand what factors affect the quality of milk. In an interview with Dr. James husband, we get to know how he works in the dairy industry with advance trends. He told us that he first understand the role of the customer in the dairy industry, only then he bought so many cows that are famous for quality milk. In addition to this, he also told us about key points to make the dairy industry for new trends and advancements. He usually focuses on certain changes include-:


  • Diagnostic tools


  • Data analysis



  • The reduction in the usage of antibiotics in favor of vaccination.

He said milking machinery makes easy to produce healthy and quality milk for the consumer. No doubt, the Milk machine takes only a few minutes to milk the cow but it gives quality milk.

Tips to Adapt Farm for better milk quality in the future.

The significance of consumer demands in dairy farming

The significance of consumer demands in dairy farming is one of the biggest changes that we have seen in past years. Well, there are so many large farms which have numerous animals instead of a smaller number of animals. In this modern era, consumer changes play an important role in the dairy industry. Well, it is true that we have a huge number of animals however we have only some farms.

The importance of vaccination against bovine mastitis

These days, dairy farmers focus on how to produce healthy and quality milk with any type of antibiotics and Somatic Cell Counts. These are too harmful to cattle and milk as well. You must go with diagnostic tools because these are important to measure the quality of milk. Or you must start using vaccination against bovine mastitis as it plays an imperative role in the growth of the dairy industry.

Focus on how to produce quality milk without antibiotics

You must focus on how to produce quality milk without antibiotics because these lead to many problems. You must try to provide quality grass and other food to cattle so that they can produce healthy milk. In addition to this, proper hygiene also matters a lot.

These are the tips to grow your dairy farming well.

Dairy Information

What is Dairy Grazing and its golden rules?

Dairy farming business is becoming very popular. One of the essential methods is dairy grazing. In general, this is referred to as plants or algae consumption by animals either by biting or chewing. Read the given topic to know more about dairy grazing and what are the golden rules linked with it.

The dairy farming business is growing from the past many years. This is the reason many people are moving towards this. There is one important of the dairy farm and that is dairy grazing. The grazing method is linked with feeding. In this, the herbivorous feed on plants like grass or algae (multicellular organisms).In agriculture, grazing is domestic livestock which helps in converting grass and other fodder into milk, meat, and other products. Here are some of the golden rules of dairy grazing.

Pasture Vegetative phase (Growing phase)

It is very essential that pasture vegetative growth is between 4 to 14 inches. If it is grazed less than this, the plants want to grow properly as re-growth mainly depends on the roots. The re-growth does take time from 1 to 4 inches. In the milk processing plant, the rising point is slightly above the 4-inch mark for most of the species and it should not be cropped off. Once the growth is around 4 inches then the sun rays will assist in the growth very easily to 12 to 14 inches.

Speedy pasture

Pasture is land used for grazing and should be done very fastly within 12 hours break in milking herds to keep up with the quality. It should not allow the crop to re-grow as more than that will affect the roots. This is based on research and knowledge. In the dairy scheme, the low to no grains programs are not included. The low milk production level herds are responsible for having prices very high per cow. The higher make herds can generate 50 to 100% extra which gives the same cow protection.

Retain the Sward Strength

Sward is referred to as part of the ground covered with grass. The area should be given to grow properly which is around 12 to 18 days (spring) and 30 to 45 days (summer). The important time is late summer to maintain sward length and reduce weed seed opposition.

Flexible Grazing

Grazing needs to be flexible as every occasion is different. Use you should get the fencing done. Also, make sure the milk machines and dairy equipment are of the best quality on your dairy farm.

Feeding the cows

Cows feeding is as very important to get quality milk as nothing comes free of cost. Extra 5 pound grain will give sufficient nutrients that help in maintaining 10 pounds of milk. So, make sure whatever you do is done in the best manner.

If you want to read about dairy industries challenges in India go to our blog post in Thebestsguide.

butter churan machine

Everything you must know about butter making

Butter is an important food item used by people all over the world. Adding this to your morning toast is a delight. Moreover, the baking and other delicacies become even better by adding butter in it. Read the given topic, to know more about the process of butter making.

When was the butter made?

When Romans first arrived in Britain, they did not find the cheese-making process but they get to know about butter production. It means from the past 2000 years we have been enjoying the butter or might be longer.

In the UK there is the use of the unclarified butter. In clarified butter, butter is processed in different steps which helps in removing all types of milk solids. The left part is a yellow and clear liquid which is higher as compared to butter burning point. It won’t get spoiled like the unclarified butter will. This is the reason, in a warmer climate it is best.

This is the reason, in India the clarified butter has become a very important part of Indian cuisine.

Traditional way to make the butter

At some point in your life, you must have seen butter getting churned or on TV. Some people that get to grow in a family who have seen elders making the butter.

The butter is made after separating the cream from the milk. In the traditional manner, the cream is churned to make it thick. The excess liquid is drained off (referred to as buttermilk) and the solid part is shaped according to need.

Current method to make butter

The main principle as it was earlier, but with the advent of the dairy machinery and other equipment like butter churner has made the work faster. More butter is transported which means you can buy it easily from the local market.

Currently, the milk and cream are separated by using the centrifugal force (spinning liquid at high speed). Another benefit is that milk is pasteurized, which means the bacteria are killed because of the high temperature. This also helps the butter to last for a long time as its quality is better and it tastes delicious.

What is the method of making spreadable butter?

Many people love butter but it becomes quite frustrating when it does not get spread on the slice easily. This might be because you have just taken it out of the fridge. This is the reason dairy farmers are producing spreadable butter. Even after taking it out from the fridge they will be very easy to spread as compared to regular butter. This happens because the vegetable oil is added which gives it a softer consistency. Although there is comprise made to the taste of butter quality.

dairy equipments

How A Btech Student Earned Over Rs 1 Lakh With His Own Dairy Farm?

Dairy farming is well-known not only among farmers, but this is also quite popular among youngsters as well. These days, you will also find several institutes in India which offer several courses on agriculture, so that you can boost your country’s economy. For more detailed information, you have to read this article carefully at the end.

Dairy farming is the best profession these days, because of the introduction of advanced technology and educated persons as well. In the past years, all the dairy farmers perform dairy tasks manually without dairy machinery. However, these days, all the dairy farmers go with machines such as milking machines, paneer and butter making, and so on.

A recent study shows that how young ones are leaning toward this profession. They choose this profession because these days all the works are done with the help of machines. And they can earn too much with these machines since these are valuable to do all the works in a few minutes and give you quality products.

How a Btech passed out earn almost 1 lakh from dairy farming?

Jamsheer is Btech passed out who earns almost 1 lac from dairy farming. He reveals it in his interview with a well-known journalist. Let’s have a look at his journey.

Entry to a dairy farm

He said he started his dairy farm 2 years ago because he wants to grow his dad’s business effectively. He has a little bit of knowledge of cattle or dairy farming because his father is a farmer and they have several cows at home. Then he talked to his father in order to start a dairy business, so that they can serve people with quality products.

He has almost 40 to 45 cows on this farm and all are of great quality. He buys all the quality machines from the nearest store after estimating the cost of dairy farming. Along with this, he turned to organic farming so that he can improve the health of his cattle.

Organic farming

organic farming is explained as farming, in which no pesticides or insecticides are used to grow vegetables or other plants. Organic products are on the peak these days because people are too conscious about their health. So, that’s why jamsheer turned to organic farming from ordinary farming. He cultivates so many vegetables and fruits on his farm without pesticides and insecticides so that people can consume healthy food.

Moreover, he tells about his earnings that he earned almost 40 to 50 thousand a day, and almost 1 lac in a month. You can also earn this much money from dairy farming but if you plan everything in advance. And you have to put some extra effort into dairy farming in order to grow this sector or yourself as well.

paneer press machine

Different Methods to Manufacture Paneer

With the advancements in technology, dairy farmers usually use machines not only for milking process but also for several other dairy tasks. If you are planning to start paneer making business, then you must get a piece of information first, so that you won’t face any problem in the future.

The manufacturing of paneer involves several ways such as-:

  • Standardization of milk
  • Heat treatment
  • Coagulation
  • Draining of whey
  • Pressing
  • Dipping in chilled water
  • Packaging.

These are the important factors to be considered while making paneer. If we talk about previous years, then dairy farmers manufacture paneer manually with hands. However, these days, with the advancements in technology, dairy farmers go with paneer plant and paneer press machine as well. Both tools are valuable to make paneer within few minutes, also offer you a quality product.

Different Ways to make paneer

Buffalo Milk Paneer

Buffalo milk is an ideal raw material to make good quality paneer. In order to make paneer from Buffalo milk, you need to heat it on a high temperature and then you must add the citric acid solution. This solution is valuable to make the paneer. After adding it you have to wait for some time and let it sit down. In addition to this, after the whole process, you must drain the whey with the help of a stainless steel strainer. The temperature of the content is not allowed to drop below 63oC until this stage. You must drain the paneer into a soft cotton cloth and then press it for at least 20 minutes.

At last, packing is done by paneer to deliver to different areas.

Cow Milk Paneer

Cow’s milk is valuable for human health because it contains several nutrients. To make paneer, you must heat the milk at high temperature and then add to the milk calcium chloride. In addition to this, you must heat the milk at 90oC without holding. The rest of the process of making paneer is similar to the process of buffalo milk paneer.

Recombined Milk Paneer

This type of paneer is made with skim milk powder and raw milk as well. You need to add milk powder into the liquid milk and then stir it well. After stirring put the utensil on the stove for boiling. Then you must add the citric acid and then leave it for some time. You must stir it continuously till whey is separated out. After that, let it sit down and then drain it in a fine cotton cloth, also press the paneer to give it a shape.

These are the methods of making paneer manually, if you want to go with machines then you must visit us once so that we can guide you properly about everything.

dairy equipments Milk Processing

10 Milk Processing Ideas to Get Profit

Dairy farming is a popular business, in which you can gain more profit. However, if you are planning to start this business, you need to understand what factors are necessary to get more profit. For this, you must get help from experts, or you must read this article in the end because we are going to tell you everything about this.

Dairy farming is well-known among people because dairy products are not only loved by adults but also liked by each age group. So, if you are planning to start a new business, then you must understand what factors affect productivity. In addition to this, you need to understand how to get more profit in this business.

Milk Processing Business Ideas

Bottled Milk

Bottled milk is referred to as farm-fresh milk, that is loved by almost everyone these days. In addition to this, most people lean toward this type of milk because this is too pure and original milk. In the past years, milk is packaged in a glass bottle, but these days dairy farmers use pet bottles to store milk. If you are planning to establish a large scale dairy farm then, you need to install a packaging machine along with a milk processing plant as well.


Butter is another dairy product, which is liked by people. They love to eat butter in the morning at breakfast. These days, dairy farmers use dairy machinery to produce low-fat or cholesterol-free butter. If you do not want to go with a large scale business, then you must go with a small scale business which includes butter making.

Cheese & Paneer

Cheese is another dairy product that is most popular in the market. This is not only popular to spread on the bread. This product is also useful to gain more profit. This is not only used in homemade food, but restaurants and hotels also go with this product.


No one has enough time to make cream at home. That’s why most people go to the market to buy the cream. You must start cream making business because it is also used in both sweets and salty foods. However, you need to understand there are 4 types of cream such as-:

  • Half & Half
  • light cream
  • light whipping cream
  • heavy cream.

Flavoured Milk

You may not know that Flavoured milk contains several types of vitamins and minerals. These days, you can buy different flavors of milk, but these contain only a little amount of sugar. This is necessary to give flavor and taste to milk. You can also go with this business because children love to drink flavored milk instead of plain milk.

Moreover, you can also go with cheesecake, condensed milk, ghee and so on things.