Hindi News

डेयरी किसान होंगे मालामाल, दूध बेचने के इस तरीके का करके इस्तेमाल?

दूध से होगा किसानो व डेयरी उत्पादकों को मुनाफा ?

 दूध बेचने से आप कई गुणा मुनाफा कमा सकते हैं,वो भी कम समय में जैसे अगर बात करे दूध से पनीर, खोया, घी और मक्खन निकालने की |

इसके लिए बस आपको एक मशीन की जरूरत पड़ेगी, जिससे की आप अपने मुनाफो को आसानी से हासिल कर सकते हैं। वो भी डबल प्रॉफिट के साथ।

यदि आप दूध सेपरेटर मशीन से खोया निकालना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आपको खोया मशीन की जरूरत पड़ सकती हैं।

किस मशीन की जरुरत पड़ती हैं, इतनी सामग्रियों को निकलने के लिए ?

 इसके लिए आपको एक खोया, पनीर और देसी घी बनाने वाली मशीन खरीदनी होगी। जोकि एलपीजी गैस और बिजली से चलने वाली मशीन हैं।

        दूध से क्रीम निकालने की मशीन को दूध सेपरेटर मशीन और क्रीम सेपरेटर मशीन के नाम से जाना जाता हैं।

  • इस मशीन के जरिये मिनटों में दूध को गर्म किया जा सकता है और जरूरत के हिसाब से खोया, पनीर, दही और देसी घी बनाकर मुनाफा कमाया जा सकता है।
  • बाजार में 100 लीटर दूध की क्षमता वाली मशीन की कीमत करीब 80 हजार के आस-पास है। ये मशीन 150 लीटर, 200 लीटर, 300 लीटर की क्षमता में भी मिलती है और इसका इस्तेमाल करना काफी आसान है। बता दे कि मशीन की कीमत दूध के लीटर पर निर्भर करती है।
  • इस मशीन का फायदा ये भी है कि दूध को तो हम दो से चार घंटे तक ही बचा कर रख सकते हैं। लेकिन यदि इससे खोया, देसी घी और पनीर जैसी चीजें बना दी जाएं तो एक से दो दिनों तक रखा जा सकता है और अच्छी कीमत पर बाजार में बेचा जा सकता है।

मशीन की मदद से खुद के ब्रांड को बनाना हुआ आसान !

 सभी मुनाफो में एक मुनाफा ये भी शामिल है कि जितने भी डेयरी उत्पादक या हमारे किसान भाई हैं. वो इस मशीन की मदद से जहा इतने व्यंजन बना सकते हैं. वही इस मशीन से बने मिष्ठानो पर अपने ब्रांड का नाम भी लिख सकते। जिससे उन्हे काफी फ़ायदा भी मिल सकता है।

दूध सेपरेटर या क्रीम सेपरेटर मशीन से क्रीम निकालने का तरीका ?

 इस मशीन के सही तरीकों के इस्तेमाल करने का वर्णन हम निम्न प्रस्तुत कर रहे है,..

  • क्रीम स्प्रेटर को सही रूप से किसी भारी आधार के साथ नट बोल्टों की सहायता से पक्का कर देना चाहिए ताकि जब उसे चलाया जाए तो वो हिले नही।
  • स्प्रेटर का हर हिस्सा साफ़ सुथरा होना चाहिए और इस्तेमाल के बाद इसको खोल कर अच्छी प्रकार से गर्म पानी से धोना और सुखा लेना लाभकारी हैं।
  • स्प्रेटर में दूध डालने से पहले यदि दूध को हल्का गर्म किया जाए तो क्रीम में वसा अधिक मात्रा में निकलेगी।
  • क्रीम स्प्रेटर को कम वोल्टेज पर नहीं चलाना चाहिए।
  • स्प्रेटर के विभिन्न हिस्सों को सावधानी और कुशलता से जोड़ना और खोलना चाहिए।

निष्कर्ष :

यदि आप किसान है या डेयरी उत्पादक है, तो उपरोक्त बताई गई मशीन आपके काफी काम आ सकती है। इस मशीन के बारे में तमाम जानकारी एकत्र करने के बाद ही आप किसी अच्छे दुकान से इस मशीन को मंगवाना। तो वही कुछ लोगो को ये परेशानी भी आ रही होगी की सही मशीन का चुनाव कहा से करे। तो एनके डेयरी इकुप्मेंट्स का चुनाव करके भी आप इस मशीन को मंगवा सकते हो और इसका फ़ायदा आप आसानी से ले सकते हैं।

milk plant News

Everything you need to know about Dairy Processing Equipment Market Growth

COVID-19 has affected much business and so dairy business. If you are running a milk plant business then you must be knowing the impacts. But today in this article, we are going to discuss the growth of the dairy equipment market.

How the demand for dairy products is increasing day by day?

The demand for dairy products is increasing day by day due to the increase in demand for dairy products. With each passing time, people are becoming health conscious. They know the benefits of eating a healthy diet regularly. In fact, keeping these things in mind the dairy business is more focusing on making low fat, organic as well as nutritious products for selling. And for making good quality products such as milk, cheese, butter and much more people need high-quality dairy processing machinery.

The rise in energy cost

The increase in demand for highly dairy equipment is also increasing the cost of electricity as well as energy. For the smooth working of the milk plant, a person needs a huge amount of energy for such as refrigeration of the products, lighting as well as for mechanical processes. There is also in need of thermal energy which is required for evaporation as well as pasteurization.

Always remember the pasteurization process needs a huge amount of electricity. don’t worry much because earlier, old technologies were consuming lots of electricity but now new technologies are energy-efficient which will not make a hole in your pocket and help in reducing the electricity bills.

What are the demands of after-sales services?

Do you know dairy processing equipment is high maintenance and you need to call the experts for the services from time to time? You can hire a company which is offering you after-sales services also while the installation of the equipment. You can sign the contract agreeing that the company will be coming every six months or once a year for the services depending upon you. Through this, a person can manufacture the good quality of the products. The services which a person requires such as FAT i.e factory acceptance testing, operator training, services from time to time. Through this, the equipment will be working smoothly and a person will also understand the machinery.

The business requires huge investment

The only challenge the person experiences is collecting the funds for capital investments. If you are starting a milk plant business then, of course, you will be offering the products made up of milk to the consumers. So for that, you need a different type of equipment. But you can start with one product and grow your business with the profits.

Milk Processing milking machine News

Why do India’s largest dairy farmers purchase GEA’s first butter-making machine?

With the advancement in technology, the dairy business is growing day-by-day. Several farmers start doing dairy business because of the high demand for milking products. Dairy plants include several machines such as ghee plant, butter churner, milking parlor, and so on. In this article, we are going to give you information on the butter churner.

The system is designed in conjunction with Fritz processes to proceed to make butter from sweet or sour cream. The butter made in this unit fits the high demands for food. The three liquid additives dosing method enables lactic or salted butter to be made, along with the honey and sour cream oil.

The development of butter

This cream is correctly heated and choked to butter in cylinder 1 at a steady temperature. In-cylinder 2, the granules are refrozen in a cold buttermilk bath prior to the conglomeration butter lumps being removed from the buttermilk.

The butter is kneaded to remove some of the buttermilk in textured 1. Then sugar, buttermilk, cheese, salt, or other liquids may be dosed and all ingredients are equally mixed together with a multiple-stage mixer. The air is drained from the vacuum container. The butter is vigorously kneaded and combined once again in the textured 2 and maintains a steady discharge with the incorporated butter device.

We are committed to the production, procurement, and export of butter machines. The Butter Making Unit is constructed of high-quality SS 304 steel and guarantees sturdy design and corrosion resistance. We sell our products all over India, several dairy farmers get benefits from GEA milk making, ghee making, and butter making machines.

Largest dairy milking units purchase butter making machines.

Yes, it is true that the Largest Indian dairy producer has purchased GEA’s first Model BUE butter-making machine. In February 2019, the BUE 6000 System and all associated hardware will be introduced.

A company that purchased Gea’s first butter making machine is Creamy Foods Ltd. It is one of the largest international ghee producers that is used in Indian households as the main food ingredient. They revealed in an interview that GEA machinery would make it possible to meet the highest global quality levels to produce quality ghee and other milk fat goods to serve people well.

Key features:

  • The cream storage tank is built of content SS 304, requiring less repair.

  • Use a window for viewing on the other hand such as sight glass is used to view on the opposite side.

  • Interior end sprayed with sand

  • Iron Angel Powdered foundation structure


  • User-friendliness

  • Easy to use

  • High durability or Strong resistance

  • Lightweight and compact architecture

  • Low maintenance

  • Minimum labor cost

  • Robust construction

  • Smooth operation


  • Electric motor supply

News Packing machine

Everything you need to know about Dairy Product Packaging Design 2020

With time, working in the milk plant has been improved a lot. For the dairy owners, it is essential to fulfilling the demand of the customers in all seasons. A lot of transformations have been made in the dairy plant which made India the leading in the dairy industry.

How to set-up a dairy business in India?


Many breeds can be selected and decide on which one to go with. Some people prefer cows, buffalo or both. The fat content in cows is lower as compared to buffalo milk. You need to understand the demand in the market which means checking the preference and taste of the customers.


Providing the right place to the animals is important and it helps to keep them free from disease and productivity is increased.

  • For small scale production 20 animals 3000 sq feet land area
  • For medium scale production100 animals 13000 to 15000 sq feet

Make sure ventilation is proper, the entire place is clean, and fresh air passes through the entire area.


What you feed the animals should be of top-quality and highly nutritious. Including green food will help to produce quality and nutritious milk which helps in reducing feeding costs.

Proper care and Management

It is important to take proper care of the livestock on your farm. Make sure all the animals are free from cattle diseases, otherwise it can generate a great loss. It is essential to get them vaccinated on time. Additionally, stock important medications for urgent needs.

Packaging milk process in India

There are 2 types of milking machines which come with a single cluster and other with 2 groups.

The one with a single cluster can herd milk from 10 to 12 animals in one hour. Machine with 2 clusters can herd around 25 animals in one hour.

What are the different Milk Testing Equipment

  • Electric Gerber Centrifuge machine
  • Pipette or Graduated pipette
  • Milk Sampler
  • Lactometer
  • Glass thermometer
  • Butyrometers stand and Test tubes

Milk storage equipment

  • Horizontal Milk Storage Tank
  • Multipurpose tank
  • Vertical Milk Storage Tank
  • Milk Silo
  • Road milk tankers

Milk chilling unit

The chilling unit used in milk industries helps to cool the milk, salt, or glycol solutions. The chilling will be different according to the milk quantity and the industry requirement.

What about dairy products branding?

  • Brand identity

Depending on the product type, the visible elements will be featured. Logo, business cards, envelope, and letterheads are some of the things which need to be consistent.

  • Brand Image

The brand image is created accordingly if it is vegan, provides toned, full cream, or any other milk product.

  • Brand personality

If the brand is joyful, fun, cheerful, and mature, then it tells about the brand personality.

When we follow the right approach to start the business and till the end i.e. packaging it can benefit us in the long run.

dairy equipments News

First Dhudh Chakki Launched – Dairy Equipments Installed By NK Dairy Equipments