Milk is consumed in the highest demand all over India. With the increased demand it becomes essential to supply it in the right amount. If you are planning to start your milk plant then it can prove helpful to get increased profits.
Setting up the milk plant
All over the world, you can find many dairy processing plants. You need to have cattle like goats, cows, and buffalos for milking purposes.
What about the capacity of milk processing plants?
Milk plants are big, medium, and small. Different types of milk processing equipment can be used to increase milk capacity every day. You can also get many dairy products like toned milk, butter, cream, ghee, double toned milk, yogurt, and skimmed milk.
In the starting stage, the milk is put in the tank from the milk tankers once it has been chilled at the right temperature in the chilling unit. The chilled milk is pasteurized in the pasteurizer and cream is separated from the cream separator which gets the skimmed milk. Milk is dependent on the requirement of skimmed milk, toned milk, double toned milk, or full cream milk.
What is the process of milk processing plants?
Starting process
Proper milk production is extremely essential in the dairy farm. In a day, the dairy cows are milked 2 times. If the farms are on a larger scale, then there is the use of equipment to carry out the processing method properly. Once that is done, the milk is taken to the refrigerated milk tanks.
The milk tanks are collected by big trucks that take the final product to the milk processing plants. Before the milk or any dairy product is transported it is vital to check the taste and temperature to make sure it is safe for human consumption. If there is any issue then that specific product will be discarded right away. There are special tanks to needed at the milk processing plants
Separate the bacteria
In the milk processing plants, the next step is to separate the bacteria which is best for the final use. This method is perfect for clarification. Every step of the milk processing needs to be done correctly. The bacteria are destroyed with the heat so that the milk is safe for human consumption.
After that comes the homogenization which means fat is eliminated from the product.
The last and final step is the packaging. The packing is done in plastic bags and cartons. On the cartons, there is a stamped date to tell about the shelf life of the product. Make sure you do not use it after that. Once the milk is packaged, it is transported to different places.
If you are looking to set up your business then you should choose the right Dairy machinery and equipment by taking help from the professionals.