Dairy Plants milking machine

What should we know about the basic construction of the milking machine?

If we talk about the fundamental layout, then it is the same with all the milking machines. A pump, a vacuum regulator and a container are found almost in all the milking machines. But milking machine prices may vary from shop to shop and from company to company.

Let’s get to know about the basic construction of the milking machine first

The machine is so well designed for the extraction of the milk. The functioning involves the application of the vacuum to the teats with periodic squeezes. The pipework of the milking machine involves the joining of the various elements in a way that there is no hindrance in the flowing of the air and the milk paths. The diversification of the milking machine has come to origin owing to the development. From the bucket, the milk is transferred to the milk tubes.

Relation of vacuum and milk flow

The raising of the milk to the pipeline helps in the reduction of the vacuum at the teats. For the good functioning of the vacuum, the pump is responsible for the extraction of the air through compression that can be discharged to the atmosphere.

What should we know about vacuum measurement?

As we all know that vacuum is the pressure that is below the atmospheric pressure. The measurement can be done by taking pressure difference into account with the mercury manometer. There are a variety of units that can be measured with the vacuum.

What is the action of the milking machine in each of the pulsation cycles?

The pulsator is responsible for the connection of the vacuum with the pulsation chamber. The predominant function of the pulsator is the connection of the pulsation chamber to the atmosphere.

What about the milking rate?

The flow of the milk increases by taking the following into account:

  • If we increase the vacuum, the strippings will also increase.
  • An increment of the pulsation rate also increases the air that is ought to be pumped from the machine.
  • The widening of the pulsation ratio also helps in the opening of the liner collapse time.

What are vacuum fluctuations?

There are two types of fluctuations that are responsible for causing the significant impact on mastitis and the milk flow:

  • Irregular fluctuations

Whenever the liner of the teacup gets displaced then the air is supposed to enter when the milking units are being changed carelessly.

  • Cyclic fluctuations

Each pulsation cycle involves different cyclic movements. Sometimes these movements get increased while other times, these get decreased.

What should we know about vacuum pumps?

  • Vacuum Pump

The vacuum pumps are accountable for drawing the air through the inlet port. After being compressed, it is ejected into the atmosphere.

  • Interceptor

The trap which is fitted in the vacuum line is able to prevent the liquid and dust that is being sucked into the vacuum pump.

Final Thoughts

So if you are willing to purchase the milking machine, then you can contact us. We provide the best machinery and our customers never encounter the equipment sold by us.

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