dairy equipments

What is the difference b/w manual cleaning and machine cleaning?

The companies can only build a good rapport among their customers if they are providing them with promising and high-quality products. But one single flaw found in the product can spill your efforts in no time. Usually, such things are related to cleaning problems. If a single dirt particle or the contamination of the products is found in the material then it considerably affects the reputation of the business. So the need of the hour is to get the ideal system for cleaning the machines which are used to make the specific products.

Before talking about the cleaning machines, you should know what does the term cleaning means for the machines:

  • Physical cleanliness

When it is about physical cleanliness then we are considering the aesthetics at this point.

A noteworthy point

If you consider using a wet cloth in the initial stage of the cleaning, then the dirt or the dust particles may get stuck on the surface. This aspect is related to the visual cleaning factor.

  • Chemical cleanliness

When it is about chemical cleaning, then we are talking about the microscopic residues which need to be eliminated from the surface.

  • Bacteriological cleaning

To avoid any kind of infection from entering the products, bacterial cleaning is quintessentially important.

  • Sterile cleanliness

When it is about sterile cleanliness, then the microorganisms are to be destroyed which are hard to get rid of when they are on the surface.

  • Staff hygiene

It is to be noted here that the hygiene of the staff is also to be given due attention to. Since the ones who are operating the machine should also take all the cleanliness and hygienic measures into account.

So here are the reasons why should you turn to machine cleaning despite manual cleaning:


  • Cleanliness tracking

With the help of the tracking machines, the cleanliness data can be measured to make sure that the ultimate standards of hygiene are being met.

  • CIP Cleaning

No matter how many times you are using the machine to perform the cleaning cycles. Each time it will come out with a similar output since it offers you consistency in each cycle.

  • Ideal measurements for the deterrents

The detergent should neither be used less nor more. So in this condition, the machine is recommended in such a way that it can carry out the entire cleaning process with the right amount of detergent.

  • Fixed duration

If we compare this factor with the manual cleaning, then the duration for carrying out the entire cleaning thoroughly depends on the skill, experience and efficiency of the worker. But if we compare this with the automatic cleaning, then there is a fixed duration for each cycle of the cleaning.

  • Reduced cost of operation

Relying on the machine level cleaning does not only help you with the effective cleaning but it considerably helps you to lower the costs. These costs usually come into existence when the salary to the cleaning workers is to be given. But considering a machine for cleaning is best since it is a one-time and long-term investment.

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