One of the most consumed and essential food items in India is milk. In this guide we will discuss the challenges which are faced by the Indian dairy sector.
India has a pattern of production, processing, and marketing is quite unique in comparison to any other milk producing country. India is the largest producer of milk as well as dairy products. Moreover, it is consuming its entire milk production on its own. One thing more which makes the dairy sector of India different is that it focuses on both cow and buffalo milk. Here are some challenges which are being faced by the Indian dairy sector.
Health Care Services
The veterinary health care centres are located in far areas. Additionally, the ratio between veterinary hospitals and cattle population is more, due to which proper facilities are not given to the animals. The proper vaccination schedule is followed which result in affecting the health of animals.
- Shortage of Feed
Due to industrial development, the supply of feed and fodder is less in comparison to how much it is required. This increasing gap between the feed and fodder is affecting the performance of the dairy animals. The profits of the dairy industry are also reduced because of the high cost of feeding supply. So, it means supplying poor quality food to the animals not only affect their but it will also affect the animal production system.
- Training Programs
Having a good education and training program regarding the dairy practices will help in increase in production. It will be even better if training is given to every employee so that they know the entire working environment of the dairy industry. But the decision to implement these programs need a commitment from the top-level management which at a time is the biggest problem.
- Clean and Hygienic Environment
At times it is seen that the cattle are not given proper shelter and they are left in the extreme climatic conditions. The unhygienic environment will expose the entire milking yard and cattle shed to infectious condition. This will also affect milk quality and other dairy products. So, make sure the dairy machines and equipment are cleaned properly.
- System of Breeding
The most common problem is Indian cattle breed is late maturity. The cattle owners do not have proper detection of heat symptoms for the oestrus cycle. In addition to this, animal performance is definitely decreasing because of this issue. The industry will also face economic loss because of various diseases which lead to abortion. Fertility issue can also increase because of mineral, and vitamin deficiency.
In case, you are looking to set up your dairy plant then you should keep all these things in mind so that your business can grow effectively.